Chapter 19:The Feelings I Can't Describe

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Last night went great and everyone had fun. Of course, my dad talked to me about starting border patrol until I can officially become Beta of the pack. I knew my graduation was at the end of next month so it only made sense that I started preparing now.

I walk up to the border and take one of the guard's spot. I've done this many times before but it was mostly playing around when I was younger. I did make sure to pay attention to everything they did though, to listening and just making sure nothing was off. One of the other guards mind-link me informing me that they have caught a rogue and that I need to come over. 

I quickly make my way towards them when the scent hits me. It smells like watermelons and roses, the scent intoxicating like spring just begun after a harsh winter and you knew everything was better and that what was lost can be found again. 

I quickly follow the scent and see it's the rogue they were talking about. Her wolf was pretty big, big enough to be a warrior wolf. It was as gray as my eyes with a slight tint of white on her snout. I walk up and the second she makes eye contact with me it's like time stops.

Daniel's mate's point of view:

I was running, to where I don't know but I know I needed to find a new place to sleep. I've been a rogue for five years now and I haven't stayed in one spot ever since. My wolf and I tired from the run I stop not really paying attention to my surroundings. 

All of a sudden I hear a twig snap and I look up to see a few wolves. I curse quietly to myself as I notice I'm on someone's land. I start to back up, memories flooding back to the last time I was captured. I was ready to run when the smell hits me. I silently say no to myself as I sniff the air, still on high alert. It smells like chocolate and mint.

 The smell getting stronger as he gets closer. I knew the second I smelt it, it was my mate. I finally look at the wolf beside me and my heart stops. His wolf is clearly of power, a beta maybe? He definitely wasn't an alpha, though I wasn't complaining.

 His wolf was a chocolatey brown with black on the tip of his right ear. His paws were also a bit darker than his main fur color but only noticeable if you truly stare. Then I look up at his eyes. They were as dark as the smoke you see from fire. Filled with power, kindness, and unspoken thoughts. His eyes matched my wolf's fur color but the only difference is they have a bit of gold in them. 

He quickly goes behind a tree and shifts walking back towards me with extra clothes in hand. I can tell the other guards are confused but they back away letting him do what he wants. I take the clothes from his hand, a small spark from the small contact we have.

 I go behind the tree and shift getting dressed in what he hands me. I walk back out and stare at him, his body radiating off as much power as his wolf did. His gray eyes still piercing my soul. I continue to look at him. He has black hair and he had a six-pack but his body was skinny and slim and yet still seemed to have that large look.

I look back at his eyes and he smiles softly, "May I ask your name?" His voice just as lovely as his scent made a bump form in my throat. Lost for words I seemed to have forgotten everything I knew, even my own name.


His smile grows larger as he repeats my name sending shivers down my spine. His eyes capture mine again as he moves closer, "My names Daniel." My wolf seems to purr at his name. He puts his hand out for me to take. I take it hesitantly still not knowing what to think about this. He gently pulls me towards his packhouse and I start to get worried. 

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