Chapter 16:Fates Choice

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                               *7 years later* 

I wake up to my alarm and get ready for school. I look at the calendar and smile. My birthday was tomorrow. I knew that tomorrow I would finally get to find out who my mate is. See when we hit 16 we can shift but we don't get to find out who our mates are until we are 18. I quickly get dressed and head out the door towards my car. Sarah jumps in with a bright smile and I shake my head at her. I took my dad's advice all those years ago. I never got close to her like that. We are still close friends but I made sure to never think of any girl in any way as I know my mate will fill my mind one day. When we get to school I quickly park and Sarah goes off on her own as I look for James. I find him at some girl's locker hitting on her. I roll my eyes and walk by him brushing my shoulder against him slightly. He looks at me with a bright smile and quickly follows me. "So how is the future beta doing?" I scoff at his comment and continue to walk.

 Ever since my dad told me I would be future beta once the alpha's son steps up James has teased me about it. The alpha's son, Chris, is a good friend of mine but I choose to not hang with him that much as he likes to flirt around. Chris was never one to sleep around, he's like me saving himself for his mate, but that doesn't stop him from flirting. He's also really nice and I can tell he will be a great alpha, but sitting there watching him flirt with the cheerleaders isn't exactly what I want to do. James and I walk to first hour just before the bell rings. I'm taking notes when all of a sudden Chris mind-links me

'Dude I need your help'

'With what?'

'I found my mate'

'I'm supposed to help how?'

'I don't know, she ran off before I could say anything'

I sigh and ask to be excused from class, following Chris's scent I find him at the end of a hallway with this girl. I walk over to see who the girl is and my heart stops.


Sarah sees me and I can see the hurt in her eyes, we both know deep down she hoped we were mates, and with Chris always flirting with her and other girls when we would hang out probably didn't help him. "Sarah, come on please, I stop flirting with the other girls the second I turned 18 and you and Daniel know I saved myself for my mate, so what did I do wrong?" Sarah looks down and sighs, "Nothing Chris, I was just forget I don't turn 18 for another month and you being an alpha makes it where you can tell we are mates before I can." Chris nods and sighs, "I'm sorry Sarah, I promise not to mess with you until you can tell for yourself we are mates, if I could I would go back in time and make sure I didn't tell you." Sarah sighs and hugs him mumbling it's okay and that she needs some space to think about it. 

Once Sarah walks away I hear Chris sigh, "I'm sorry dude, I know you and Sarah had always hoped to be mates, this probably hurts." I turn to Chris with a smile, "Nah dude, I knew not to get too close, every time I did I thought about my own mate, don't worry this doesn't hurt me and I know it doesn't hurt Sarah, she's just shocked." Chris nods and pats me on the shoulder and smiles, "Well since we are already skipping..." I laugh and shake my head, "Sorry bro I need to be in class today or I won't be able to skip with you tomorrow." Chris laughs nodding his head going back to class.

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