Chapter 53

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Jake was slowly getting better. He wasn't fully there yet, but he was better than he had been. He couldn't fully walk on his leg, but he was going to physical therapy and working on it. He was starting to be able to actually put pressure on it, which made me so happy.

We were just laying around for weeks while he was hurt and talking about everything. He kept telling me he loved me and that he was sorry for being a "burden" and that he didn't like asking me for things because of everything I've been doing for the both of us, but I didn't mind. It made me happy to take care of him and make him happy.

I was making dinner for us in the kitchen and he was just sitting on the kitchen counter. He was good with balancing on his leg and moving around more. It was kind of impressive that he could jump down from the counter without putting full pressure on his right leg.

"It smells amazing." He said and I smiled to myself. I was making chicken and broccoli Alfredo and it was one of his favorites. He kept asking me to cook it so I finally did and he watched me from start to finish.

"Wanna taste it?" I asked as I got a spoonful and I brought it to his mouth with my hand under it to make sure it didn't fall. I fed it to him and his eyes widened.

"Mmm. Baby, that's so good." He said as he licked his lips and I chuckled.

"Thank you." I said and our doorbell rang throughout the house.

"Great." He mumbled.

"What?" I asked.

"I was going to get high but I guess not." He said and it rang again.

"Shit-I'm going to burn this-can you please get the door? I know you can't move too fast but-" I was cut off to the doorbell ringing again and the front door just opening. I guess people just walked into my house when they wanted to.

"Who is it?!" I called and Jake limped to the doorway of the kitchen and smiled weakly.

"Hey, Mr. Angeles." He said and I looked over at him as he looked at me. I was happy my dad was there-I guess. I just wasn't expecting it and wish he would have told me.

"Hey. How are you doing?" He asked as he walked into the kitchen and Jake limped back to the counter next to me and he leaned against it to relax for a second.

"I'm okay. I'm getting there-I don't need the crutches to stand up on my leg anymore. Once it's fully healed I'll be so ready to run around and not be completely useless to Blaire." He said.

"You're not useless" I said.

"Your mother is coming in too." My dad said and completely ignored Jake. He glanced to me and got quiet and I handed him a plate of food and kissed his cheek.

"Do you want to eat it here? Or in the living room?" I asked.

"The living room." He said.

"Okay-dad give me a second and I'll be right back in here. Help yourself." I said and I held the plate as I walked with Jake to the living room. I helped him sit down and I handed him his plate when he was comfortable.

"Your dad is such an asshole." He mumbled quietly and I nodded.

"I know-just tolerate it. Please don't say anything." I said and he shrugged.

"I love you." I said and he smiled weakly.

"Love you." He said and I kissed him before going back into the kitchen.

"Jake is a piece of shit, you know that right?" My dad asked quietly so Jake couldn't hear him and I narrowed my eyes.

"No he's not-"

We Were FreeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora