Kiss Me, I'm Irish 🍀 Gerry Kennedy

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In light of recent events, I had planned to stay home today. There was NO way I was going to leave my parent's house. My decision had been final. I would not be going out tonight.

Unfortunately, Lisa, my best friend, was very persistent. She managed to finagle me into nicer clothing and a pub.

Her convincing statement was "screw Mark! By not going out, yer letting the arse win! I say you go out with me and party! Meet a nice guy, get it on, and regret nothing!"

I simply sighed and reluctantly put on a dark blue, knee-length dress. I slipped on a pair of black flats.


When I came to Ireland to visit my parents, I really didn't expect to be dumped by my American boyfriend because I "chose to go to Ireland instead of hanging out with" him. What a loser.

At the time, however, Mark was the love of my life. I thought we would get married and start a family. We had been dating for six years. I had hoped something would have happened by now.

In those six years, my parents moved to Ireland. I was unable to go visit them due to Mark and work. When I finally had a chance to visit them, I took it.

Because Mark couldn't be bothered to come with, I left his tail in America. Really, it's not my fault he didn't come. It's his. I realise that now. At the time, I didn't.

Still, my heart is broken. Even though that mess happened two weeks prior. Since then, I'd been staying in my parents' home.

Fortunately, I'd made a friend, Lisa. She and I had grown very close. I met her when my mom forced me to go to the neighbours to ask for an egg. Mom was trying to get me out of the house.

Lisa met me at the gate to her property.

"Whaddya need, lass?" She asked. I told her that my mom had sent me to borrow some eggs. She grinned brightly and took me by the arm.

She led me into her house, and she disappeared into her kitchen. I stood there awkwardly, wondering whether she would return soon or not.

Eventually, she returned with five baskets of eggs.

"I don't need that many," I said, attempting to reject some of it. She merely shoved them toward me, and she insisted upon driving me back to my parents' house.

I didn't know it then, but she would become my best friend and a major part of what was to come only three nights later.


Lisa led me by the arm into the pub. As soon as we entered, she pulled me into a booth in a dark corner. I looked around, a bit bewildered. It was small and quite crowded. I could hear someone playing a guitar behind me. They were playing some tune about their murdered mama.

I gave up trying to decipher the words. Lisa's grin brightened when a certain fellow with a leather jacket walked by. She nudged my arm, pointing to him.

"That's Gerry Kennedy! He plays here a lot. He's a cheeky bloke, and he can carry a tune very well. Ye should talk to him! It'll help ye get over Mark!" Lisa exclaimed. I shook my head, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I'm too sober for that."

"No problem!" Lisa exclaimed. She raised her hand in the air, signalling a random guy over.

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