Foolish - Erik Destler

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Warning- Joseph Buquet happens

I knew I should have stayed in the dorm. As soon as I slipped out of bed, and I slipped on my robe, I felt my stomach turn into knots.

I had been restless, tossing and turning, sweating and freezing, so I decided to take a walk around the Opera House.

How foolish of me.

How foolish of me to think I could roam the Opera House at night and come to no harm.

Absolutely foolish.

I should have gone back to my bed as soon as I heard the creaking of the floorboards behind me.

Instead, I was foolish.

I continued on foolishly, the footsteps seeming to come closer as I attempted to make my way through the corridors in darkness. I had no destination in mind, just a longing to get away from the footsteps that continued to draw nearer.

Even as I attempted to keep to the edge of the unlit corridor, I heard the steps fall directly behind me. Then, a warm, unwelcome presence had me pressed against their chest; their filthy hand was over my mouth before I could scream.

Immediately, adrenaline began to rush through my veins, coursing its way to my extremities. My body set into action before my mind could fully comprehend what was happening.

I first bit the hand over my mouth, prompting my captor to pull away, hissing in pain. Then, I turned around swiftly, bringing my knee up to knee them in the groin. They stepped back before I could make my mark.

The person pushed me into the wall, their body weight pinning me down, preventing me from moving.

Unfortunately, my adrenaline ceased to rush, and I grew exhausted from lack of sleep and exertion. The man caressed my side.

Internally, I panicked. This person could take advantage of me right now, and nobody would know. Nobody would probably care.

With this thought in mind, my adrenaline kicked in, and I fought as hard as I could. Suddenly, the man was pulled away from me.

I turned instantly, only to be met with Joseph Buquet's corpse being thrown to the floor. Relief and fear flooded through me simultaneously.

The Phantom of the Opera just saved me.

"You foolish ballet rat! Why are you not in bed, asleep, dreaming of dancing bears and whatnot? Have you not heard of me? Have you no idea what I could do to you?" He bellowed,  anger showing in his mannerisms.

"I did not think—"

"Of course! You did not think; you are a foolish girl!" I could tell he was done with berating me. He most likely wanted to go back to his lair, and I was hindering him from doing so.

"I apologise, dear Phantom. I should not have bothered you. Goodnight," I said, my intentions only to slip back into the dorms.

"And where are you going? It is dangerous to walk about alone at this time! It would be unkind if I were to let you walk alone in the dark. I will at least have the common decency to escort you."

He was insistent that I allow him to escort me to the dorms. Meekly, I allowed him to lead me.

The walk to the dorms was a silent one.

Just before I entered, he spoke up.

"Do not walk alone in the middle of the night. I may not be so kind next time."

And with that, he was gone.

I never saw him again, although I knew he was there, watching the foolish ballet rat. I suppose he was right.

I am a foolish little ballet rat.

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