Chapter 39 - Family Night & Faulty Relationships

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Jamie's POV

I walked up to Mia's front door, it was around five o'clock and practice had just finished. I really needed to talk to her because I didn't understand the way I was feeling. Actually I did understand the way I was feeling. I wanted to break Trent Tyler's face.
Earlier when I left practice he was making snarky comments about Mia and I couldn't handle it.I had also heard that Sarah and Trent were dating and that information made me question if Mia and him still had a thing going because of the way she seemed the entire day. She hardly spoke to me and I barely saw her after lunch also the glimpses I caught of her in the hallway weren't enough for me to tell whether she was okay or not. Clearly this was affecting her and it made me feel uneasy.

I rang the door bell and waited, after a few seconds Mia's mother answered the door, she was excited to see me.

"Hi, son how are you? ", she asked in a peachy tone as her smile grew wider.

" I'm good and how are you? Is Mia home?"

"Yes, she's upstairs in her room, come on in", she replied welcoming me in and shutting the door behind me.

" Thank you, I won't be long. I just didn't get to see her much today", I tried to explain to her mother.

"I understand son, but you're welcome to stay for dinner, I'm making chicken stir fry", Mia's mom said with a huge smile.

" Thanks for the offer, but I'm afraid I'll have to pass, my moms's shift ends early today and we're having family night."

"Family night, how lovely", Mia's mother said monotonous.

I figured she probably had a memory of when her husband was still alive. I guess I shouldn't have brought that up.

" It's really boring though ", I laughed as
I walked up the stairs to Mia's bedroom.
I looked back to see if Mia's mother was still looking at me, but it seemed that she had gotten back to whatever she had been doing before I had arrived. Mia's bedroom door was shut. I knocked and opened the door,without thinking.
Mia was seated on her bed, her legs crossed.

Criss cross apple sauce.

She looked as if she had been crying.I had some idea of the reason why and for a second, I just stood framed in the doorway and looked at her.Analysing her body,the way she sat,the way her hair was sprawled all over her shoulders, and the redness in her eyes.

Her face was pale and she frowned. I already knew why she was crying, I didn't have to ask her anything. I had heard everything at school,I didn't believe it but now that I saw it I couldn't ignore it.
Part of me wanted to speak, part of me wanted to ask her, part of me wanted a different explanation for this entire situation, I stepped forward and shut the door behind me.

I took a deep breath before I could speak because I wanted to be calm, I didn't want to scare her or shout, I didn't want to fight.
I guess I couldn't control the feeling, the burning in my lungs. The anger I felt on the inside began to build and build.
I wanted to know the truth but I was afraid of what I was going to hear.

"Talk to me", was all I managed to say.

Mia moved off the bed, now she was standing in front of me. She didn't speak and that angered me even more.

" Mia, I don't know what to say. I'm like a fool thinking you actually have feelings for me when you still have something going on with Trent", I shook my head trying to regain my balance.

"What? ", Mia looked at me shocked.

"Do you even care? ", I moved closer to her but she backed away.

" Jamie, it's not like that", Mia spoke and her voice was raspy and quiet.

"Then what is it like? I've given you no reason to cry yet here you are crying over Trent who doesn't even give a damn about you", I tried to explain to her but I felt like she wasn't understanding me.

" I love you, Jamie but I can't forget the pain I went through with Trent. "

"I don't expect you to, but how do you think that makes me feel?Knowing you would rather be with him than me", I spat at her.

The feeling of anger burned brighter inside of me and the fact that Mia wasn't saying anything made me feel worse.

" You know what? This isn't even worth it! ", I exclaimed turning and opening her bedroom door.

"You're overreacting. "

I turned to her and looked into her eyes. There's was so much I wanted to say.

"I'm overreacting? I'm overreacting?Please tell me the appropriate way to react when you find out that your girlfriend still has something with her ex, please tell me Mia", I breathed heavily.

" Why did you even come here,Jamie?", Mia's eyes we're glassy and tears fell from her cheeks onto the ground.


Mia moved toward me and she put her arms around me, she buried her head in my chest and breathed.
She looked up at me, our eyes meeting.

"All that matters is that I love you and we'll get through this together. "

" No, not together", I moved away from her and into the hallway.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't be with someone who isn't totally with me, I'm not going to pretend that you don't have feelings for Trent and act like our relationship is okay when it's not. "

"Are you saying we shouldn't be together?"

"I guess that's what I'm saying, Mia because I can't do this. "

I made my way down the stairs and before her mother could ask me anything I was already out the front door.

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