67- Uncertainty & Ultimatums

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I entered the house to find Jonah watching television at an extremely high volume. I loved SpongeBob but I hated Squidward's voice breaking through my eardrums. I sighed and made my way up to my room and in doing so I passed Jared who was making his way back downstairs.

"How was detention?",he smiled.

I gave him a look and carried on moving forward. I needed a minute to recharge. My battery was running low.

"Hey, mom and dad want us in the kitchen. They need to talk to us apparently",Jared rolled his eyes as he resumed making his way down the stairs.

I didn't question the fact that my father was in town even though he was not scheduled to be for at least three more days. I just moaned silently and headed into my room. I threw my school bag on the floor and threw myself on the bed. I let out a breath.

"Jamie!Kitchen!Now!",my mother's voice penetrated through my bedroom door.

I groaned as I rolled off my bed and mentally prepared myself for what was about to come. I basically crawled to the kitchen to find my parents at the counter as well as Jared seated at the kitchen table with an apple in his hand.

"Hey son, how was school?",my mother greeted with a smile.

"Sit",my father instructed before I could answer her question. I obeyed as I pulled out the chair beside Jared.

"What's going on?",I questioned.

My father looked at me and then grabbed a pear from the bowl of fruits that sat on the kitchen counter.

"Nutrition",he said as he threw it at me. I caught it with ease but the amount of  force he used hurt my hand a little.

"Well, let's get to it. Nerissa",he nodded at my mother.

She took a deep breath and then spoke.

"I went down to the high school today, Mr Demsey and I spoke for a while. He agreed to the arrangement I proposed to you boys and is on board with everything.I just don't know if I'm entirely on board anymore",my mother shook her head. She sounded upset.

"Nerissa",my father looked at my mother.

"Grayson, you know how I feel", she gave him a look.

"I thought we came to an understanding dear", my father cleared his throat.

"I thought so too but this is just torturous to the boys, it's crazy to make them move back and forth like this! I won't stand for it",my mother said as if she had had enough.

"Boys, leave the room. When your mother and I discuss this properly we will inform you",my father said to us sternly."

"No! Boys, stay",my mother ordered.

I was unsure of who to listen to and so I just stayed put as Jared bit into his apple with purpose.

"What now Nerissa? What do you want to do?", my father questioned her.

"Cindy has a guest room that she isn't using, and she said she'd love the boys to come stay with her for a while", my mother shrugged.

"Cindy? Your childhood friend that is a frequent day drinker? The one who  babysat Jonah one night and fell asleep?",my father asked dumbfounded after hearing what my mother had just said.

"She's a nice woman and besides the boys can take care of themselves. It would only be for the next few weeks Grayson. Just until you find out if you're permanent or not",my mother explained as if my father was being extremely difficult which was normal cause he always was.

"Walkers stick together",my father shook his head.

"How is moving our children between places every week sticking together?",my mother said in anger.

"Nerissa calm down, the children are in the room",my father warned.

"Boys, what do you think?",my mother looked at us.

I looked at them stunned. I wasn't sure what to say because if I agreed with my mother then my father would definitely be upset. My fear got the best of me and my throat closed up. Lucky enough, Jared opened his big mouth in that moment.

"Sir, would you consider it? If it doesn't work out then we can always come to Phili", Jared shrugged.

"He has a point Grayson, give them a week at least and if it doesn't work out then we'll haul them to Philadelphia with us",she smiled at him.

My father looked at my mother and then turned to my brother and I.
I tried to read what he was feeling but I could not. In that moment I prayed. I prayed that we would be able to stay in Oregon because that meant I wouldn't have had to leave Mia. Even if it meant staying with Aunty Cindy I would do it for Mia.

I watched as my father looked back at my mother and smiled. It was a small smile. So small that I almost didn't even see it. He smiled for approximately one and a half seconds and his smile disappeared.

"One week",he said with absolutely no expression.

My mother smiled and so did Jared. I couldn't hide my happiness either. I almost couldn't believe it. I didn't have to leave. I didn't have to leave Mia. For once in my life I got to stay. I got to stay.

"-but, if in one week you two can't show me that you can make it work then I'm taking both of you to Phili. Permanently."

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