73 - Backdrops & Backups

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"I was thinking we could have a backdrop for people to take photos", Sarah said in excitement as we entered Oregon Gardens.

"Yeah",I said as I pushed open the door to the foyer.

"Hey, is something going on?",Sarah raised her eyebrow in question.

"No, why?",I asked giving her a look as we made our way to Carla's desk.

"You just don't really seem yourself, is it because I left you with Penelope and Yoko at lunch? I did ask you to come with Trent and I though, and I really meant it",Sarah started.

"No, no. Nothing is wrong I just-",I started but a masculine voice cut me off.

"Archer!",Mr Stanley's voice was surprisly inviting. The man stood tall and wore a black and green checkered suit. His thin structure and his dark hair complimented his clothing.

"Mr Stanley, I haven't seen you in a while",I said as I walked up to him.

"I've been out of town, too much to do. I'm only back for the soirée then I have to jet of to Prague for a meeting",he shook his head.

"Hey Mr Stan", Sarah greeted him politely.

"Sarah, good to see you",he nodded.

"Stan, it must be around here somewhere",Carla's voice entered the room before she did.

"Are you sure you wrote it down Carl?",he asked.

She made her way into the foyer and smiled as soon as she caught sight of Sarah and I.

"Oh hi girls, I've been waiting for you so we can get started on planning",Carla squeaked with a happy expression.

"I take it that you girls are helping with the soirée",Mr Stanley looked at Sarah and I.

"Yes, the theme was all Mia's idea", Carla said proudly.

"Archer! This was your brainchild? I'm not surprised, like father like daughter",he said with a smile.

Stanley's words made me smile. It was the best compliment I ever had the privilege of hearing.

"There's much to do but I think if we work together we can pull this off",I said confidently.

"Lucky we have Scott",Carla said.

"Scott?",Sarah questioned.

"Did someone call?",a tall and slightly buff brown haired boy entered the foyer.

He wore jeans and a hoodie. He came toward us with a smile.

"This is Scott, Mrs Carson's grandson. He agreed to help us with the set up for the soirée",Carla smiled.

"Lovely, I take it that you will work well with the ladies?",Mr Stanely smiled at Scott as he asked his question.

"Yes of course Mr Stanley",Scott nodded.

"Well then I leave it to you, Carl if you do manage to find that appointment sheet please get it to me. I'll be in my office",Mr Stanley said as he retreated to the door that read "Main Office" after giving us all one last smile.

"So you're the famous Scott hey?",Sarah immediately questioned him once Mr Stanley closed his office door.

"Play nice",Carla laughed as she gave Sarah a look.

"I am",she said as she looked at Carla. "My name is Sarah, this is Mia",Sarah said introducing herself and then pointing at me.

"Hi",I greeted him pleasantly.

His brown eyes danced when he smiled. He seemed shy but at the same time a little friendly, I liked that about him.

"Shall we get started? Scott the girls have a few ideas so hear them out. We have to work together in order to get this done",Carla dictated as she rummaged around her table.

"Yes, Miss Carls", Scott nodded at her in acknowledgement.

His voice was rough but not in an intimidating way, he sounded like a boy that was becoming a man.

"There's the sheet! Let me get this to Mr Stanley, brainstorm in the mean time",Carla said as she grabbed a page and headed to the office behind her.

I was prepared for a long and awkward silence but Sarah's loud spirit shattered the moment of quiet.

"Let's get to it",Sarah said happily.

"I was thinking a chandelier, not too gawky cause we don't want to seem amateur",I said trying to recall my ideas.

Scott looked at me for more than second. It seemed as if his mind had drifted. I tried not to think to much of his stare.

"That's a great idea, we can drape the entire events hall with a burnt orange colour and get a temporary chandelier",Scott finally spoke.

"Perfect, and how about a punch fountain, they sell those down at the superstore",Sarah piped clapping her hands.

"Does Carla know anyone who can cater for the finger foods?",I questioned realising how much people cared about food.

"Yes I do! Mrs Grant does the cutest mini sandwiches",Carla joined the conversation as she walked toward us.

"Then it's settled, Mrs Grant is catering. What about the lighting?",Scott inquired.

"I can totally get Trent to help with that, don't worry!",Sarah exclaimed before anyone could even consider any other option.

"Scott will handle sound, now we just have to to make our vision a reality!",Carla basically yelled.

"The oldies are going to be so happy",I stated my realisation.

"Invite as many people as you guys can",Carla ordered.

"Of course! This is going to be so exciting",Sarah said almost in a daydream.

"You don't even know",I mumbled.

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