(9) The Female Alpha

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The silver light in her eyes sparkled with the intensity of a small dagger. I suppressed the urge to flinch under gaze and did what Colt had instructed me to do…be his Alpha. With as much grave as I could muster I tilted my chin to the side and gave her a simple cheerful smile. That earned a snarl from her which made Colt growl in reply.

I took a steady step closer with my hand raised slightly in Colt’s direction. “Don’t be so dramatic Colt.” His growl slowly faded away and he glanced over in my direction.

I could see the uncertainty and worry the filled his eyes but choose to ignore it. I wasn’t actually Colt’s Alpha and we both knew it. He had only said that I was so that he could protect me…although if he wanted to protect me he could have just told this blonde bimbo that I was his mate. Just thinking about the word had my heart racing in my chest and heat rising towards me face. I bit the inside of my cheek to help distract my mind from the word. If he had called me his mate I might have instantly denied it but being called his Alpha…now that had made me pause and think.

Of course I would have to ask him about his reason for lying to this she-wolf later because right now she looked like she was about to tear both of our heads off. I looked back up to see how offensive and tense the woman had become. Her shoulders were square, her chest was pushed out and her legs were firmly planted on the ground with her fisted hands at her waist. Six was literally oozing with dominance and rage as she shot daggers at me.

I notched my chin up a little higher to show that I wasn’t afraid of her even though my stomach was turning uneasily. “I’d apologize for his behavior,” My voice came out strong and clear. “but you know how Beta’s are all about protecting their Alpha’s reputation.”

Six’s sneer turned into a deadly glare making the skin on my body pucker into tight cold bumps. The wolf inside of me wanted to turn tail and run out of the bar as soon as she opened up her tight red lips but before I could even turn my head for an escape Colt was by my side. I could feel his warm protective presences on my right and almost instantly started to tremble.

“You’re a really bad liar.” Her voice had lost all of its seductiveness and became almost as firm and strict as Colt’s. “There is no way that a pup like you could have beaten a titian like Colt.”

I clucked my tongue to the back of my front teeth. She was absolutely right about that one. Colt could kill me in less than a second with just his pinky if he wanted too but instead of that he had told them that I was his Alpha. I suppressed my weak side as best I could and took a deep breath before taking a step toward Six.

“Well I did beat him fair and square too.” My voice rang out defiantly as I squared my shoulders. “You wanted to know how Colt got that scar on his cheek right. Well I’ll let you in on a little secret; he got it from fighting me.”

That little part came out easier than I had thought. The blonde werewolf’s eyes widened slightly at my little white lie and her eyes flashed over to Colt’s. One of her fisted hands rose up towards her chest and tightened over her heart.

“Is that true Colt?” She asked hesitantly.

My back stiffened at her delicate tone of voice. Was that concern she felt for him? Was she worried about him? I could feel a growl start up in the back of my throat. She had no right to be concerned for him. No right at all.

Colt’s fingers lightly skidded over the side of my hand and I could help but jump slightly at the feel. I quickly snapped my gaze over to him and froze. His warm golden eyes were a molten honey color that sent a warming sweet sensation coursing through my veins. Wanting to have more of this sensation I reached up and touched my fingers to the long jagged scar on his cheek. His golden eyes sparkled with something that I had never seen before but whatever it was it set my heart on fire.

He leaned his head against my hand for a brief moment before pulling it away with his hand. He kept my hand in his and ran his thumb over it again and again as he spoke. “Yeah it came as a surprise me too, but the truth of the matter is that I didn’t stand a chance against her. Now,” He eyes flared when he looked over at her. “you will show your respect towards my Alpha or I will rip your throat out.”

Six’s eyes grew wide with horror as she looked back and forth between the two. Her eyes narrowed at me and I could hardly hold back the whimper that was building up inside of me. Her lips peeled back into a snarl before she bowed her head respectfully. “I apologize for my rudeness….”

“Allison.” Colt interjected.

She grimaced at the help before spitting out the rest. “Allison. I am Six. Alpha of the Silverback clan and owner of Lou Pine’s bar, how may I help you?”

I froze at the question and instantly looked over to Colt for help but the man was already way ahead of me. He took a step towards Six with a small smirk plastered on his face. “Well you see Six, my Alpha wants to start up her own pack and since every werewolf here belongs in yours we figured that we might just take them off your hands.”

Six’s roar had me shaking in my boots as she took a fearsome step towards us. “Excuse me!”

Colt’s smile broadened as he stepped in front of me. “You heard me. We want your pack Six and you’re going to step down from your position as their Alpha without a fight, got it?”

She let out another ear screaming roar before she lunged for Colt. Colt didn’t even attempt to dodge her attack instead he waited until her sharp claws were close and then grabbed ahold of both of her hands. She hissed and squirmed beside him, trying to get her wrist out of his grip. Her cold steel gaze found me out behind him and she hissed again. “You bitch! Do you have any idea who you’re screwing with? When I get my hands on you I’ll rip your throat out with me teeth and bathe in your entrails!”

Colt spun her around and pressed her face first into one of the wooden tables. The glasses on it fell onto the floor and shattered into a hundred of sharp pieces. Colt glowered down at the possessed woman with bared teeth. “You’re not going to land a hand on her.”

“The hell I’m not! She’s challenging my position and that is grounds for a fight.”

His loud growl silenced her. “You’re forgetting something Six.”

The woman glared at him over her shoulder. “What?

He smirked down at her. “I’m her Beta. If you want to fight Allie you’re going to have to go through me first.”

Six stared up at him for a moment longer with hatred and rage flaring behind her silver eyes and then she turned grey. Her skin instantly lost its color and she stilled herself against Colt. “I’d have to fight you?”

He nodded his head slowly down at her, “That’s right.”

She winced at his confirmation and then slowly turned her gaze back towards me. The fire in her eyes was still flashing brightly but she held back their burn for the moment. “What will I be in this new pack?”

I blinked at her for a moment trying to processes what she had just asked me. Not only had she submitted under Colt but she also had just accepted my role as her new Alpha…well at least that’s what I assumed. Now she was asking what her rank would be in my pack. I took my bottom lip into my mouth and bit down on it slightly. If I was the first in command (Alpha) and Colt was my second (Beta), then that really only left one other position open. Since she had been Alpha of her previous pack then the position would have to do for her.

I notched my chin up a little bit higher before I spoke, “You will be my Delta.”

The Blonde winced at being the third highest ranked pack member but then she looked back at Colt. “If you would have just joined my pack last spring I would have been spared this humiliation. You know.”

Colt smiled down at her. “But then I would have been your Alpha and personally having you as my Beta didn’t sit well with me at all.”

The woman smirked up at him before looking back over at me. I had so many questions running through my head now that I almost didn’t catch her reply.

“I accept the position for now… Alpha.”

I nodded my head over at her before looked back up at Colt. His gaze was still firmly planted onto the back of her head but I knew that he sensed me watching him. The twitch in his jaw told me so. I frowned over at him before folding me arms over my chest. Six had offered him a position in his pack last spring, why hadn’t I known that? I wondered and then thought of all of the other questions that were surfacing in my head. Colt had also taken me to this bar specifically knowing that the now previous Alpha owned it. Had he planned on overtaking her pack? And if so why? And another thing why the hell had he let her kiss him?

I felt a growl form in my throat again as I stared at the infuriating man. Why was he leaving in the dark on all of this? Was he using me for some unknown purpose or did it come down to something greater like Kirk?

Colt released Six at my growl and then leaned down to whisper something in her ear. I could feel my chest grow hot and tight as I watched his lips brush against her blonde curls. After he was done whispering to her he took a step back and then looked over at me with jaded green eyes. Six looked up at him with a pair of wide glassy blue eyes before turning to look at me. At first she looked as if she was completely mortified and then she morphed back into the a hot raging ball of fire.

Slowly the woman walked over to me with that unwavering deadly glare directed at me. I could feel the tingling sensation on my skin as the hairs on my body started to stand on their ends. My chest felt tight at each step she took towards me and then suddenly she was standing right in front of me. She glared at me for a moment longer before she opened her mouth to speak.

Her voice rang out loud and clear making all of the other noise in the bar come to a halt. “The Silverback has a new leader,” She reached out a hand for mine and lifted it into the air. “Dominance is not given it is taken. Pledge your new Alpha your allegiance and respect.”

I looked around us too see every pair of yellow and grey eyes looking back at me. At first I had assumed it was because we had just caused a huge commotion. I mean there is no way that all of them were part of one pack…right? To my amazement they each reared their heads up in a long synchronized howl. I jumped at the long haunting pitch of their howls making the floorboards rumbled under my trembling body. My eyes grew wide with shock and fear at the sheer number of the pack. There had to be over a hundred wolves in this pack!

I glanced back at Six to see her sneering over at me. Our hands dropped down to our sides and she took a step back. Not knowing what else to say I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

“Your…my pack is really something to be reckoned with.”

Her mouth formed into a firm line. “Yes it is.”

“How did you manage to get so many people?”

A slow devilish smile started to form on her lips as if I had just asked something I shouldn’t have. “Do you want to know why they call me Six?”

I could feel my brow rise in curiosity. “Six isn’t your real name?” She shook her head no. “Then why do they call you six?”

She took a threatening step forward and then leaned over to whisper in my ear. A chill ran up my back before her breath even brushed against my hair. When she finally spoke my stomach dropped in reply. “My pack is so massive because I’ve killed six other Alpha’s.”

I yanked my head away from her and stared up into her pure silver eyes. Her smiled grew wider to show off her deadly white fangs. “If my hunch is right about you though,” She leaned her face towards mine until our noses were touching. “I’ll be called Seven in no time.”

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