(14) The Stupid Move that Ruined it All

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It seemed like an eternity before Colt finally came home. Jackie had left earlier claiming that she was going to go shopping before heading back to her place. Of course I had no clue what shopping was so I just assumed it was some kind of human hunting thing and left it at that.

I had meant to be awake and at the door when he had returned but because he didn’t come back until late into the night I had found myself asleep on the couch. The front door creaked open slowly followed by the quiet footstep of his work boots. The smell of something metal tickled the tip of my noise making me sneeze.

Colt sighed disappointedly at the little hint that I was awake and practically cursed the entire time as he slugged off his coat. Trying to stay firm at being angry at him I growled at his own sour attitude before picking myself up off of the couch. Before I could even start off yelling at him for not telling me that I was his mate and for not telling Jackie that Hailey was dead he had to go and say,

“Sorry to wake you.” With that simple four word apology the anger I had kept festering in my chest started to dissipate.

I mumbled out my words as a slight blush started to bloom across my face. “It’s okay,”

I peered up at the dark figure that was Colt in time to see him nod at me. He then slowly pushed himself off of the door as he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck searching for something else to say. In my mind I was secretly hoping that that something would happen to be him finally telling me that I was his mate.

Anticipation started to bubble up in my stomach when I heard him let out a disheveled sigh. Trying to hold in my own excitement over him finally admitting to me that we were mates was a lot harder to contain then I thought. I bit down on my lower lip nervously before burying my toes into the thick carpet floor.

“I’m going to go take a shower.” He inform me grumbling before walking passed me. “The couch is very uncomfortable to sleep on so you can go wait for me in the bedroom until I’m done.”

Anger popped away readily in my chest at his words. If the man honestly thought that I was going to go and wait in his bedroom like a patient little pup he was seriously mistaken especially since he was refusing to tell me that we were mates.

“No.” I barked out the words so loudly that it had even made me jump a little at the sound of my own voice.

Colt’s back stiffened as if he had caught a foil smell and then slowly he turned around to face me. “No?”

Even though I couldn’t see anything in the dark I could practically feel the scowled that was growing on his face at my sudden refusal. Not wanting to lose my bold edge I quickly shot back,

“That’s right, no.” I folded my arms across my chest trying to convince both him and I that I was being firm in my stance. “I have something that I need to talk to you about.”

Judging by the dark outline of his body I noticed him taking his own stance as a low growl rumbled through the room, “It can wait until I get out of the shower.”

Before he could even finish the sentence I had already been shaking my head. “No this can’t wait I need to talk to you now.”

“Fine,” He barked out before taking a few steps closer to me. “Hurry it up then and speak.”

Without even thinking twice about I let the words fly right out of my mouth. “Why haven’t you told me yet that we are mates?”

I heard the click in the air of Colt snapping his jaw shut and took that as a sign that we were truly and undoubtedly mates. What made it even worse was that he knew it and he had been keeping it a secret from me. I felt a strange pain slice through my chest at this. Why had he refused to tell me? Did he not want to be mated with me? Was there someone else?

Every worse possible question worked its way into my mind making me feel worthless and unwanted and then he had to go and say, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I felt the quick intake of air brush past my lips at a cracking speed. How dare he act stupid on something like this! Anger and fear rose up from my stomach and stopped in my throat making it hard for me to breathe.

“You know exactly what I am talking about.” I screamed on the brink of hysteria. “We’re mates, aren’t we Colt.”

A strange silence rang through the room making me feel even more uncomfortable and scared as I waited for his response. When I heard him sign again the fear I felt gripping my heart tightened.

“Allie,” He started out in an almost disappointed tone. “We’re not mates.”

My entire world flipped over and crumbled at that one statement. We’re not mates. How could a few simple words destroy me so completely. A strange soggy feeling tickled the back of my throat as I tried to hold back a whirl wind of emotions.

We had to be mates. We just had to be. It had made so much sense for us to be. I stared at his dark figure as he turned and started to walk away. With his back towards me I suddenly felt as if I was suffocating. Without even thinking about it I said the only thing that I could,

“Let me kiss you.” For the second time that night his back stiffened. Without turning around to face me again he spoke in a low hard voice.


Using up what little strength I still had I took a shaky step towards him. “Why not?”

“Because we aren’t mates.” He barked back so roughly that it made me jump.

I could feel my nails digging into my palm as I frowned back at him. Something about his attitude had me wondering if he was lying. “Let me prove it then.”


I frowned at him. “Well will you at least tell me why? And don’t give me that lame excuse ‘because we aren’t mates’ again.”

He looked over his shoulder at me and growled, “I said no and that is the end of this conversation.”

With that being said he stomped off towards the bathroom without another word. I snarled at his retreat and turned to go to the bedroom. How could he just dismiss our discussion like that? I mean really, if we weren’t mates than he should just let me kiss him and get over it but instead he just had to go and pull a stunt like this.

I swung open the bedroom door and then slammed it shut before plopping myself down on his bed. Why couldn’t he just let me kiss him? I thought before letting myself fall back onto the bed. I mean he had let Six kiss him back at the bar even though he ‘said’ that she had just surprised him…..

Just as sudden as the words had whispered into my head an idea popped in as well. I smiled to myself as the details of this plan started to form.

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