(11) The Reason Behind being the Alpha

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By the time we left Lou Pine’s bar and grill it was close to midnight. The streets of the busy city were nearly empty leaving the place to look somewhat abandoned with quiet alleyways and paper ridden floors. The night had turned into its regular chilling atmosphere but with a little more bit to the night breeze than normal. The cold had my bare skin puckering with bumps but I didn’t really feel it since I was still thinking about Jackie. Was it really such a good idea to leave a woman alone in a bar in the state she was in? I was still fairly new to the human world and what not but it just went against my fur as a beast to leave her in there like that.

“If it will make you stop worrying, I’ll ask Linc to bring her over to my place tomorrow before we go to work. You can see for yourself that she is fine and you can hang out with her while I’m gone.” His voice rumbled in the cool night air.

I stared blankly down at the grayish cracked sidewalk. “What do you mean by work?”

Colt didn’t even break stride at my question. “It’s a job in the human world that involves making money. If you want food on the table you need money to get it.”

I frowned at his answer. If a wolf wanted food on the table then they would go out and hunt for it not…trade? What kind of lazy creatures were these humans? “What kind of ‘job’ do you and Linc do?”

Scratching noise filled the air and I turned my head to see a plump rat scurrying across the alleyway as we passed. “We’re steel workers.”

Since he didn’t elaborate on it I figured that he didn’t want to talk about it. “About Jackie come over tomorrow,” I glance up at him as he ran a hand through his dark hair. His expression was back to its normal frown and his shoulders were slightly hunched over as he had been through a very tiring ordeal. Something warm fluttered in my stomach as I walked a little bit closer to him. “I’d like that very much Colt, thank you.”

He mumbled out something but I didn’t catch it. I waited for him to repeat it as we walked down the sidewalk but he didn’t. Colt led me down another sidewalk and I couldn’t help but shiver at the new breeze that went by. Something about that chilling breeze reminded me of Six and suddenly I had a headache from all of the unanswered questions I still had.

I started with the first one that came to mind but before I spoke I took a deep breath of the cool night air to help calm myself. “Back at the bar,” I snuck a glance at him from the corner of my eyes to make sure that he was listening. “Why did you tell Six that I was your Alpha?”

Colt’s next step was off just a little bit but his expression didn’t give away his surprise. We made another turn through an alley and was about to reach the end of it when he finally answered me. “It would keep you safe.”

I froze to gawk at the man. “Keep me safe? I thought that was you were doing.”

He reached the edge of the alley and turned back to look at me. “That’s what I am doing Allie.”

My jaw clanked shut for a second only to be forced open again. “No offense but I’m pretty sure that you just made Six turn into a Seven.”

“She’s not going to hurt you.”

“Hurt me? Try slashing my jugular open with her bare teeth. That crazy wolf has it out for me now because you forced her out of her position and put a weak mutt like me in her post. So pardon me if I don’t think that your pretty little girlfriend is going to be my new bestmate.”

Colt growled over at me before taking a threatening step towards me. “She’s not my girlfriend first of all and second, an Alpha position is the best place for you to be because no one messes with an Alpha.”

I glared up at the big brute. “Oh so you just let everyone run up to you and kiss you senseless? And it’s called a challenge Colt.”

“For someone to challenge an Alpha they have to go through the Beta first and since I’m one of the strongest wolves in town I’d say that yeah, you’re in a pretty safe place.”

I took a threatening step towards him and jabbed my finger into his chest. “I’m sure a regular position in the pack would have been safe too but instead you had to piss off Six.”

He glared down at my hand as if he wanted to bite it off. “No it wouldn’t have, because if Kirk sneaked in and killed you no one would be the wiser in a pack that large.”

“So we could have joined a smaller….why are you shaking your head?” I asked before folding my arms over my chest.

“Because Allie,” He took a slow step towards me with a disheveled sigh as he scratched the back of his neck. “There are only two packs in this part of the state and that it the Silverback, which you now lead and the Blackpaw.”

“Why didn’t we join the-

“Because,” His let out a low groan as if he hadn’t wanted me to ask, “Kirk is the Alpha of the Blackpaw pack.”

A chill ran up the length of my spin and along the skin on my body at the sound of his name. My hands spread out across my bear arms and started to rub the frozen skin. How was it that just by hearing his name I felt scared all over again? Was it because I knew that he was going to take my life or just because his cold black eyes were filled with so much pent up rage?

I jumped when Colt’s big warm hand touched my chin. He stared into my scared wide eyes for a moment as if he was silently debating on whether or not I had shivered because I was cold or scared. As he thought about it his calloused thumb rubbed mindlessly from my chin to my lower lip. I shivered again only this time it wasn’t because I was cold or scared but because of the warm tingling sensation that he awake underneath my skin with his soft caresses. I whined slowly before nuzzling my head into his hand until he was cupping it. His warm hard fingers spread against my cool cheek made me ache for something more.

My eyes fluttered open to stare up at the hard angles of his face. His brows were drawn down into what appear to be a frown but this one was different from the others, it didn’t hint in any way that he was mad or angered but rather that he was pained. He let out a disheveled sigh before dropping his hand from my cheek and taking a step away.

“Your skin is as cold as ice pup,” He turned his back towards me and started walking away. “Let’s hurry up and get you home before you catch a cold.”

I frowned at the back of his head as he continued to move on without me. Why did he always do that? I wondered. It seemed as if every time I started to get that warm tingling feeling in my stomach he would always come up with some kind of excuse to pull away. When I realized that he wasn’t going to wait up for me I let out a loud groan and ran after him. I walked beside him for another block before coming to the entrance of his building. I watched as he dug into his pocket for his keys and started to sort through them.

The man let other woman touch him, I thought back to Six and Jackie with growl forming in the back of throat. so why wouldn’t he let me? Did he just not like me or was he just trying to play the role of an overprotective Alpha?

I mauled over while Colt opened up the front door then ushered me in. In a matter of seconds we traveled up the staircase and into his apartment. Colt then wondered off into his bedroom and came back a moment later with a pillow, a blanket, and a new change of clothes for me. He set all of it down on the couch before he looked over at me.

“I have to wake up to go to work tomorrow with Linc so I think it’s best if we both call it a night.” Without even giving me a chance to speak he left me alone in the living room and shut his bedroom door firmly behind him.

I glared at his door. Why did I have to sleep on the couch? I slept in his bed last night and it was a lot more comfortable there than on this lumpy thing…and warmer too. My chest ached when I thought about not sleeping in Colt’s bed. Last night had been the first time I had ever really slept with anyone else besides my parents and it had been wonderful. His soothing warmth had lulled me right to sleep, his strong lethal arms had made me feel safe and protected from my nightmares, and comforting words had brought such warmth to my heart.

I whimpered silently as I shuffled my feet over to the discarded clothes and blanket. I changed into the grey T-shirt and black sweat pants numbly and then fell down on the couch with a sigh. A shiver ran up my arms as the rough fabric of the couch touched my skin. It felt odd against my skin and I instantly felt uncomfortable.

I sat on the cold couch for what seemed like forever before I started trembling from the cold. Hesitantly at first I got up and made my way over to Colt’s room. I placed my shaky hand to the door and slowly pushed it open. My back stiffened as the door creaked eerily open. The room was pitch black but I could still make out the faint shape of Colt’s body motionlessly lying down in bed.

I leaned against the entrance of the room awkwardly as I whispered out his name. “Colt,”

He sat up in the bed at the sound of my voice and I couldn’t help but flinch. “What?” His groggy voice rumbled.

Nervously I started scratching my nails against the wooden door. Already I could feel the heat rising to my face. “Can I sleep with you?”

A moment of silence lapsed between us making me shift my weight from foot to foot as I waited for his answer. When it still didn’t come my stomach dropped and I slowly started to back out of the room.

“Why do you want to sleep with me?” He grumbled.

My head perked up at the sound of his voice and I was already taking his question as a form of a yes when I started to advance into the dark room. “I’m cold.”

My knees bumped against the bedframe and automatically I scrambled onto the bed. Without even thinking about it I shimmied my way underneath the covers and cuddled up next to him. His hard warm body felt soothing against my cool one. Colt groaned before he sleepily wrapped his arm around my body and started to rub heat into me.

“You weren’t kidding about being cold.”

I nodded my head before burring it back into his warm chest. He didn’t say anything as he slowly rubbed circles into my shoulders and lower back bringing warm tingling sensations to my skin. I wrapped my arms around his broad chest and brought him a little bit closer to me.

“Hey Colt,” He rumbled out a strange noise which I took as a ‘what’. “You never answered my question.”

His warm sigh blew against the top of my head right before he rested his chin on top of it. “What question?” He mumbled on the verge of sleep.

I took a deep breath, thinking about whether or not I should really ask him it, but before I could make a decision it was already coming out of my mouth. “Why did you let Six kiss you?”

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