Real Life (Jason Statham)

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The director of the new movie Jason was filming in, wanted him to choose the actress who would play his characters love interest. Jason agreed to the request and began doing auditions the next day.

After the second day Jason was about to give up, none of the girls coming in seemed to fit the character he was looking for.

The third day was almost over when Jason asked for a coffee, to hopefully get his spirits back up. When it arrived his spirit was raised exceedingly, but not because of the coffee, it was the woman who was carrying it. She was absolutely gorgeous and a perfect match for the character,

"Your perfect." Jason told her smiling from ear to ear, she blushed intensely and stumbled over her words.

"I-I'm not here for an audition." Jason's smile didn't falter,

"Well, you are now. Here, read this." He handed her the script with the lines highlighted where she was supposed to read. Clearing her throat, she read the words and recited them back with the appropriate expressions and emotions. Before she could finish the first line, Jason started clapping.

"That was wonderful! The part is yours, if you want it miss...?"

"(Y/n) and it would be an honor to work with you mister Statham."

*time skip*

You were about to film the last scene of the movie, the kiss scene. You and Jason had gotten along very well, he would often invite you over for dinner, help you with your acting or memorizing your script, whatever you needed. But you were a little nervous to do this scene with Jason, since you had gained feelings for said man.

You know he just went through a ruff breakup right before the filming for this movie had started, but you couldn't help but fall for him. He's so sweet and caring, he takes his job very seriously but also knows how to have fun. He was perfect in your eyes.

Back in reality, the director called you over to do the last scene of the movie. Getting in position the boss man yelled action, you said your lines perfectly, even the stuttering part when Jason took you into his arms. He started leaning in and captured your lips with his, your character was supposed to sadly end the kiss but you didn't stop, you couldn't, it was addicting, until a loud "CUT!" Echoed through the room.

Apologizing you took a step back embarrassed, then went back to your starting position, this time reminding yourself that you could never actually have him. You perfected everything the second time as well, even the tears after the kiss.

The crew cheered in celebration of the finishing of the movie, everyone expect you. You went back to your trailer, alone, you silently cried to yourself for being so stupid, falling for him of all else, it just had to be him.

A knock at the door and you assumed it was your friend from makeup, she was the only one who knew of your big fat crush. You told her how nervous you were for today and figured she was here to comfort you.

"Come in." You sighed, the door opened but it wasn't the friend you were expecting. "Jason! What are you doing here?" You quickly wipes away your tears and tried to look happy. "Don't you want to go celebrate with your friends?" He smirked and shut the door, he made himself comfortable on your little couch.

"Your my friend." He said cheerfully but the smile slowly faded as he looked at you,

"Yeah. Your, friend." Jason stood and walked over to you, hope scarcely shimmered in his eyes. He carefully pushed you against the wall, looking down at you.

"What if... I didn't want to be your friend anymore."

"But-" Jason places a finger over your lips silencing you from ranting at him.

"I want to be more. More then just a study buddy or shoulder to cry on. I want to be the one to hold your hand and tell you how beautiful you are everyday. Share my secrets and fears with, and help you through yours. I want you to be the one I come home to, the one I call mine. But, only if you'll have me as yours." His finger fell from you stuttering lips, Jason waited patiently for a solid answer but after several attempts at making a sentence you gave up and pulled him down into a kiss.

The kiss quickly escalated, becoming heated and needy. Thankfully all clothes were still on when the door open and in walked your makeup friend, she just smirked at you and left, locking the door on the way out. Jason looked down at you, cupping your cheek,

"So, is that a yes?"

"Yes." You giggled before pulling down for another kiss. Your future was looking so much brighter, now that you had this handsome man by your side.

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