Expendables (Lee Christmas)

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(How bout somethin different..... like maybe a.... Lee Pov!!!)


That son of a bitch got me! I thought looking down at my abdomen, which was starting to bleed profusely. A bullet wound, great! (y/n)s sure gonna love this one.

The plane ride home felt like months, years even and my headache was slowly worsening followed by dizziness. Blood loss was getting serious now, I told Barney I needed to get home before I passed out, to which he gave worried look.

Before I knew it my head was drooping and my eyelids were struggling to stay open. In the background of my fading senses, I could hear Barney yelling my name before everything started going black. The last thing I remember seeing, was the one face I loved most hovering over me, I grinned and whispered her name out as cheerfully as I could manage, until blackness encased my vision.

<•<•<•<• Third Person Pov •>•>•>•>

You were just getting out the shower when your phone started ringing, lazily throwing your towel to the side to clean up later you picked up your phone answering it. Gunner's loud voice was yelling over the phone, it was hard to understand what he was saying but you caught on to a few words like,

Blood everywhere

Bullet wound

Passing out

You were making a mental list of all the things you wound need for the operation, this became a normal thing for you ever since you married one of the teams members and being a surgeon on top of that, it was like your second job. Though all of your thoughts went out the window when you finally heard the victims name,


Your heart almost stopped, dropping the phone you quickly threw on one of Lee's shirts and a pair of shorts. Grabbing a emergency medical bag you had prepare weeks ago, you ran to the car and drove off, leaving burn out markings in your driveway.

Tears threaten to fall the whole way there, but you knew if one fell you wouldn't be able to stop the rest and you couldn't operate with blurry vision.

Tires squealing when you slammed your foot onto the break, your car door was left wide open and forgotten as you ran to the group of men huddled around another body laying still on the floor. Shoving people out of the way you fell to your knees right by your husbands head, he seemed to comprehend who you were and forged a grinned,

"(Y/n)." A faint whisper came from his tired lips before his head lulled to the side with closed eyes. Your doctor side started to take control, you started barking out orders and following routine steps to try and save the love of your life.

"Stay with me, please."

<•<•<•<• time skip •>•>•>•>

The room was silent bar the steady beep coming from the heart monitor attached to Lee, who's eyes were flickering open. Moving his arm merely to the side, he found everything he lived for, you. Sleeping soundlessly on the edge of his bed side, waiting for him to come back to you. Lee gracefully intertwined his fingers through yours, just wanting to hold his whole world once again.

When your head raised off the bed to look at Lee's hand holding yours, you prayed that it wasn't a dream. A tear finally slid down your cheek as you looked up and saw Christmas tiredly staring back, a noise left your throat sounding half like a cry and half like a cheer. Hands reaching out, you caressed his face as if it were made of porcelain, his fingers came up to brush away your tears that now seemed to become two steadily flowing rivers. You studied his features like it was the last time you'd see him, Christmas smiled cupping your cheek and gently pulled you down, until your lips met his.

It was a short kiss, but it meant more then words could say. He carefully slide over and insisted you lie down with him, consenting to his wish, you laid down and cuddled into his side, minding his wound.

Hours later the team still hadn't heard anything on Lee's recovery and decided to pay him a visit, but when Barney peeked through the slightly ajar door, he told the rest of the team that the visit would have to wait until morning. For he didn't want to be the one to ruin your moment, with each other.

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