Fast and Furious: Hobbs and Shaw (Deckard Shaw) Part 2

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Finally sitting down for a minute, you were exhausted from cleaning all day. Deckard and his sister went to break their mother out of prison, he was planning on bring them here, to your apartment to finally introduce you properly. Shaw even invited over his brother, Owen.

The scream of the kettle made you jump in your seat, going to the kitchen you poured five cups of tea, placing each one neatly on the living room table, with a container of sugar and cream in the middle. After washing the last of the dishes you looked down at your watch, they should be here in 4.... 3.... 2.... 1.... *Knock Knock Knock*

Right on time. Walking over to the door you knocked on it twice, just to make sure it was Shaw. A single knock followed by a quick double rang back and you smiled, it was him. Opening the door you were met by the love of your life and behind him was two looks of confusion and one anxious one. Deckard walked in standing by you as the others filed in, taking seats around your cute little table. After closing the door Deckard grabbed your hand and lead you over to a seat, pulling you into his lap.

"What is this about?" Owen spoke up, finding his brothers behavior a bit strange. You couldn't help the smile that blossomed on your face when you looked at you husband, excited and anxiety shot through your spine, would they like you? Would they approve of Deckards decision to marry? Your thoughts were immediately reassured when he gave you a rare genuine smile, Deckard looked at each of his family members taking a breath, he was gonna do it.

"I wanted to have a family meeting, to introduce this beautiful woman here." Deckard gestured to you by rubbing a hand on your thigh, you blushed grabbing his hand and intertwining your fingers through his. "This is (y/n), the owner of my heart and as of a year ago next week, my last name." Magdalene, Shaw's mum, gasped excitedly.

"Why didn't tell me you found your self such a gorgeous girl?" She smiled at her son who was seating under you,

"Yeah, why didn't you?" Owen asked playfully slapping Deckard on the shoulder,

"Was just waiting until I could have all of you together." Deckard grinned kissing the back of your hand. A thought came to you and you decided it wasn't half bad,

"Speaking of having everyone together, I don't know when we'll do it again, so while we're all together I want to share something." Even Deckard was waiting for you to continue, not having the slightest clue what you were about to say next.

"I'm not the only additional Shaw, as of late." You gently guided a confused Deckard hand over your tummy, looking your husband in the eyes you smiled with a hint of tears in your eyes. "You just can't meet him quit yet." Everyone in the room cheered and congratulated the two of you but Deckard still hadn't moved, just looked at your stomach softly massaging it with his finger tips.

"Love, you alright?" You asked, getting a little worried with his almost non-existing movements. Deckard didn't say anything just pulled you into his chest, murmuring sweet and loving things into your ear.

"Your perfect, I love you so much. We are going to have a family, oh love, your so wonderful." Deckard smiled happily before pulling you into a loving kiss, when you pulled back you saw a single tear fall down his cheek, he was truly happy with this discovery.

The rest of the night was left for getting to know each other better and setting up another get together. Deckard never took his hand away from your barley visible baby bump, Hattie asked if she could buy some things for the baby once he arrived. Magdalene declared she wanted to be the babysitter when you and Deckard needed a date night, Owen just offered his help in any way you needed it.

Because Shaw's stick together.

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