1 ⚔️ The Initiation Ritual

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- Zhijian -

At long last, Zhijian was about to reach his dream of being a full-fledged demon hunter.

Ever since he was thirteen years old, he had been training arduously and going on missions with his fellow classmates to eliminate those sly, yet weak demons. Five years passed quickly, like a river that flowed in one direction and never the other way again. His adulthood edged closer and so did his responsibilities.

Now eighteen, he had just passed his final exam with not just excellent grades, but also the top scorer. Becoming a full-fledged demon hunter meant that he was finally allowed to embark on solitary missions and be assigned to more challenging cases.

Along with four other clansmen, they found themselves in the midst of the Initiation Ritual which was taking place in the Divine Hall. Kneeling and bowing before the head of the clan, they waited patiently for Leader Xu Weizhe, who would present them their new official titles – the Eradicators.

As the youngest among them, Zhijian was the last to be bestowed the title. When the older man eventually stood before him, his stern expression never changed, but there was an imperceptible softness in his glacial eyes that only Zhijian could see.

"Xu Zhijian," Leader Xu announced his name. "Congratulations on passing."

Zhijian looked up to meet his adoptive father's proud gaze and accepted the tray of items that was handed to him. "I'm honoured, sir."

Leader Xu nodded and moved on. The final stage of the Initiation Ritual involved the new members taking a vow to abide by the principles of being an Eradicator in the Xu sect. Once they had completed the whole process, they were allowed to return to their respective chambers.

Zhijian made it back to his room and took his time to examine the items he was given – a new set of uniform, a jade pendant and a white envelope.

Curious at the contents, he opened it and found a talisman. As he examined the rune written on it, a small boy burst into the room then.

"Big Brother!" The child exclaimed, clambering up onto Zhijian's lap excitedly. His big eyes shining brightly in admiration. "You're finally an Eradicator? Is it true you get to kill stronger monsters now?"

Zhijian's eyes softened and ruffled his little brother's hair playfully.

If there was anybody that could remove those cold, unfriendly walls that he had built up around him, it was only his adorable Zhixuan.

"Of course, Zhixuan. Your brother promised you that he will be one, and he is a man of his words. If anybody dares to bully you again in school, tell them that I will dump them in the horse manure."

Zhixuan instantly flashed a toothy grin. "I will." Out of curiosity, his eyes settled on the thing that Zhijian was holding in his hand. "Big Brother, what's that?"

"Oh this?" Zhijian glanced down at the amulet. "It's a talisman to summon a familiar."

According to the seniors, the talisman was a summoning spell to call forth his familiar – a magical elf taking on a form of an animal to provide aid during his journey as a demon hunter. It could be his messenger, his fighter or even a companion during missions.

His little brother's face lit up in fascination. "Cool! Do you think you can summon a dragon?"

"It doesn't work that way, Zhixuan. Dragons are sacred creatures from the heavens. They can't be a human's familiar."

Zhijian laid the talisman on the table beside them and lifted the boy into his arms, carrying him across the room to place him on the bed.

"Off you go to sleep, little brat. It's getting late."

"But–" Zhixuan started whining because he still wanted to play but his brother's stern gaze silenced him. With a small pout, he burrowed his tiny body under the thick covers and shut his eyes.

Patting his back lightly and waiting until the boy fell asleep, Zhijian finally stood up to wash his face and change his clothes before turning in for the night.

Casting a quick glance at the table, he was also curious what kind of familiar he would summon.

Tomorrow, he decided. He would only find out then.

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