59 ⚔️ Qingpeng Tavern

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After five arduous days, they finally reached the Valley of the Dawn.

Dukai was making all the calls and he suggested that instead of going back to the Xu residence, they should stay at the Qingpeng Tavern for the time being. As much as possible, he didn't want word to reach the Jiang clan that the Demoness was with them.

When they arrived at the tavern, the place was a lot more popular than Xiaoyu had imagined. An endless stream of customers, both young and old, poured through the main gate. Even travellers from afar sought lodging here, proving just how renowned the Qingpeng Tavern was.

A beautiful woman dressed in a luxurious blood-red dress sauntered down the grand stairs and greeted the group at the entrance. Her features were sharp and angular; high cheekbones, straight, pointed nose and full lips. Her hair was done up in an elaborate hairdo. She wore exquisite gold jewellery – a pair of earrings, several bangles and a necklace.

Her eyes ran over the group. Her flawless face turned into a dark scowl at the sight of the Eradicators, but she was soon pleased to find Jinlong standing among them.

A deep sigh escaped from her rosy red lips. "My beloved son, you finally came to see me? Have you decided to quit that wretched clan and live with me?"

Everyone coughed in unison awkwardly, just as Jinlong let out a loud groan.

"Mother! This is not the time for this conversation!"

"Then when is the right time?" she demanded. "I've been asking you several times but you kept ignoring me. Your father is a cold, heartless man and I don't want you to end up becoming useless like him in the future. Do I always have to resort to looking for other men to keep me company?"

As Xiaoyu tried to mask her horror, Zhijian leaned towards her to whisper into her ear.

"Jinlong's parents are separated," he explained quickly. "It was love at first sight, but after their marriage, his father was constantly away on missions. She hated the loneliness and his lack of affection. When Jinlong was twelve years old, they divorced and she moved on. She wants him to live with her but he refused, because he didn't want to leave his father all alone."

She nodded in understanding, watching as the mother and son continued their bicker. It was amazing how the older woman wasn't bothered by the fact that they were being heard by at least thirty people.

"Please," Jinlong pleaded. This was the first time that Xiaoyu had seen him looking so flustered and embarrassed. "Can we head inside first?"

His mother rolled her eyes before turning to meet the group with a forced smile. "My name is Qingpeng," she introduced herself, "I'm the owner of this tavern. Please forgive my lack of manners and enjoy our hospitality."

With a coy smile, she swept her arm and gestured to them to enter the three-storey building. When Dukai walked past her, she winked at him, shooting him a coquettish smile of invitation.

The man immediately shuddered and hurried past her, looking like a frightened lamb. Jinlong, who had witnessed everything, couldn't stop himself from making a gagging noise.

Once they were inside, the main floor was extravagant. Red lanterns hung from the ceiling, paintings of flowers adorned the walls and layers of long, colourful cloth weaved between floors. With an impressive scale of the size of a field, the tavern had a huge dining area and numerous lodging rooms. The place was spotless. Not even a speck of dirt or dust could be seen anywhere.

Everything belonged to Jinlong's mother. From what Xiaoyu had heard, she owned several more places like this in neighbouring towns, making her quite possibly the wealthiest woman in the country. Her personality may be unusual, but she definitely was a sophisticated businesswoman.

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