62 ⚔️ The Last Straw

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Seeing her soulmate, Xiaoyu felt the influence that Leader Jiang had over her, weakened greatly. But that wasn't the end.

Zhijian was fuming mad.

With a clenched jaw, his dark eyes penetrated her own and she was expecting him to berate her for leaving without a word, but he didn't. Instead, he was searching her eyes, trying to understand her emotions and unspoken thoughts.

Removing the sword from her hand, he moved her behind him so that she was hidden from Leader Jiang's sight. Zhijian turned his cold, measuring eyes on the man and pulled his sword out from his scabbard slowly.

"You're finally here," Leader Jiang said with a pleased smile. "I've been wanting to meet you. I hear that you're the one who has misled my daughter and convinced her to sneak behind my back to steal and destroy the doll. It's a pity that she was discovered before that could happen."

"I didn't need to convince her," Zhijian retorted. "She's old enough to know what's right and wrong."

The older man's eyes turned dark immediately. "She's always such a good girl," he insisted. "She has always been obedient to me, until you came along and influenced her to do things. Because of you, she has to serve her punishment in the dungeon temporarily."

They were horrified. "You did that to her? To your own daughter?" Zhijian spat, shaking his head in disbelief. "And you call yourself a father?"

"When children misbehave, it is a parent's duty to teach them."

"Are you being serious?" he scoffed. "That's a joke, right? Are you listening to yourself carefully?"

Leader Jiang looked almost bored. He dismissed his words and turned his attention back to Xiaoyu, beckoning her to go to him.

"Come here."

Something in his voice compelled her to do as he said. As much as she resisted, her legs betrayed her. The moment she took a step, Zhijian pulled her back and gripped her wrist tightly, fearing that if he were to let go, she would leave his side.

Gritting his teeth, he shot an infuriated glare at Leader Jiang.

"She's not going anywhere with you."

The man released a sigh. "You're not making this any easier for yourself." He clucked his tongue in disapproval, before sweeping his arms wide to the thirty guards standing behind him. "Look around you – you're outnumbered by us. If you hand the Demoness over to us, I'll return your brother and let you guys leave unharmed."

For good measure, he picked up the crying boy from his waist. His tiny body dangled on his arm like a rag doll. Zhixuan kicked his legs wildly and tried to hit Leader Jiang's arm with his small fists.

"Brother!" he whimpered. "Help!"

Hearing his cries, Zhijian's determination crumbled slightly. His eyes lowered as he considered the offer, but he looked up a second later and cracked a faint smile.

"What makes you think that I came alone?"

In the next second, everything was a blurry motion.

Reinforcements from the Xu clan came; shadows emerged from the trees. Dukai, Jinlong, everyone – they were here to help. With their swords out, they darted for the guards and a fight ensued between the clans.

Realising that the tables had turned, Leader Jiang fled with Zhixuan still in his arms, his figure disappearing into the crowd as he darted back into his residence. Zhijian and Xiaoyu gave chase but there was another problem at hand. Several guards blocked their path, pointing their swords at them.

His DemonessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora