Chapter 1 - The Portal

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Lilia Relin was sitting at the back of her History class, just staring out of the window. Oh, how she had wished she could just poof off to another realm, a realm where she wouldn't have to feel lonely or sad. It wasn't any better that it was her birthday.

She yawned out of boredom since she had already finished learning that chapter a week before her teacher had started to teach the class that chapter.

It was nearing the end of the day as she continued staring out the window at the school's garden, with occasional glances at the clock in front of the class, hanging on the wall.

She was counting down the minutes till she could leave this hellhole and go home to another hellhole she called home. She was so focused until something soft had hit the side of her head which made her lose her concentration.

She looked down at her desk to see a crumpled piece of paper in a ball. She sighed before slowly opening it, it said "You're so ugly, get some plastic surgery because I can't stand even looking at you. No wonder, Devin dumped you!"

She felt a lump forming at her throat, she started to look around for the culprit, until she met with Emily's smirk. She mouthed "Loser" before continuing to talk with the rest of her clique.

She experienced this every day yet it was still hard to cope with the bullies every day. It was even harder because she was still hurt over her ex, Devin. She had given everything to him and he used her until she had no purpose in his life.

The bell rang loudly as the History teacher started to pack up her bags. Lilia was thankful for the bell because a second more and she would be straight-up bawling in her class. She picked up her bag and briskly walked out of the class.

She ran out of the school, she was panting and sweating but she didn't care. All she wanted to do was go to her favorite spot by the beach. The beach had always been a comfort to her since her parents had passed away.

She had found her secret spot one day during the junior year after Emily had blamed her for her parents' death. Lilia was sure that only she knew of the secret place somewhere on the beach.

Near a raised hill with a waterfall, there was a secret behind the waterfall. She had found it after hiding behind the waterfall to cry her feelings out, she had accidentally tripped and bumped into the rock and it had fallen apart to reveal a cave inside it.

She decided that she would create a door to the cave that only she could go through so she pleaded her brother to make a custom made a door for her since he had the tools for it and she added hinges to the cave. The door had a small keyhole so only those with the key can open it.

Lilia arrived at the waterfall and ran through it before taking out the key tied to a string hanging on her neck. She knew something felt... odd. Her mind told her not to open the door but... her gut insisted she open it.

For the first time in her life, Lilia listened to her gut instinct and unlocked the cave's door. Instead of the homey interior inside the cave, a purple gust of wind was swirling at the door frame, bright and loud.

She felt herself being sucked into the portal. She tried to scream for help,  but her voice was strained and all that came out was a squeak. She tried to look for something to hold on to but there wasn't anything around her.

Half of her body was already in it and she was frantically finding something to help her get out of the portal. She was getting sucked in quicker and quicker, the purple wind was already at her chest. In a panic, she quickly swung both of her hands and clung onto both sides of the door frame.

She tried pulling herself out but it didn't even make a dent. The wind became stronger, her fingers started to lose their grip. She tried to cling onto the frame as her life depended on it, I mean it did right at that moment.

One of her hands was already off the door frame as it lost its friction. Her other hand had only 3 fingers left to hold onto the door but the wind had pulled her into it and her last finger slipped off of the frame. She fell into the portal and this time, her screams were already gone.

Lilia woke up in a dark and damp cave. She raised her hands to look at the damage caused by the fight against the wind, but she could barely see as there was no source of light except for a hole in the wall.

Lilia got up and dusted herself off. The desperate clinging had been her exercise of the month, leaving her arms sore and aching. The hole was small enough that her hands could fit in them, she placed her hand in it and pulled on one of the rocks.

The rock did not budge, but a bright red glow from the hole started to glow brighter and brighter. It was so bright, she had to cover her eyes with both of her hands.

A few seconds later, she heard the sounds of the rocks crumbling and the red light turned into the bright rays of the Sun. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the brightness of her surroundings as her eyes widen in shock.

"Where... Where am I?!" She exclaimed.

~ To Be Continued ~

A/N: Thank you guys for choosing this story! I hope you guys enjoy and enjoy the story because I have a good idea of how the story will go?

What did Lilia see? Where is she? Will she be able to get back to Earth?

Follow me @chloe.cwrites on Instagram for sneak peeks and updates! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoy this story!

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