Chapter 16: The Unexpected

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The sounds of fighting catch my ears.

I open my eyes to see figures streak by. I take a long, deep breath as I sit up. I can see a fire in the distance. Through the trees, it looks like the aftermath of an explosion. I am covered in mud and laying in the grass. I roll over onto my side and push myself to a standing position. I try to stand on my left leg but it nearly gives under the strain. I can feel pain shooting all throughout my body, specifically in my leg.

A growl calls my attention. It is louder than all of the other howls and sounds as if it's painful.

I push my leg down and something cracks. I nearly scream out when it feels like my leg has been cracked open inside the skin. I take a deep breath and, while it is still throbs, the pain in my leg subsides. I take a few steps forward until I pick up speed. I begin jogging towards the sounds and soon, I'm sprinting.

The pack house comes into view and my body goes numb. The entire pack house has been set ablaze. The land is full of dead wolves and wolves still fighting. I spot a sword stuck in the ground and swipe it from the ground as I'm walking. A group of wolves turn to me, growling and baring their teeth. I continue walking as they advance towards me. A couple jump at me. With one swift motion, I swing the sword through the air and decapitate them with more ease than I should be able to muster.

The other wolves stop. I see Kohl, Cassie, Jasar, Akari, Eliza and Nadira morph into their human forms. Kohl beams at me but his smile fades as his eyes go wide. He begins running towards me. Before I can spin around, I feel something penetrate my back. I gasp as a large claw bursts from my chest.


"Let me get this straight," Cassie says with a smirk, "You, Alpha of this entire pack, want me, your little sister and a nothing, to help you?"

I catch what I can of a deep, guttural growl before it leaves my chest. Nadira, Jasar and Gaius find it as entertaining as Cassie does. I don't find it quite so funny.

Parker has been having nightmares lately. It's started to become a nightly occurrence. The two of us have begun to spend more time together during the week and he stays in my room many nights, if not every night, a week. He's hesitant about "moving in" though he technically already is moved in. We live together. It already happened.

We're technically married as well.

I dread informing him that we will be moving to the third floor, or Alpha Wing, of the pack house very soon.

"This isn't about me. It's about him." I remind. Cassie has a soft spot for him, as do the rest of them. I stare at her, "He will not tell me."

"I wonder why." Cassie says, "Why do you think he won't tell you?"

"I doubt you'd neglect to take the time to announce it to me and the others."

"Because you're a dick. And you'd overact. Yet again."

"Not the point." I say, "I've apologized for how I acted. I can't apologize anymore."

"Can't or..." Nadira asks from the corner. I glare at her and she smiles, "Sorry. Just an observation, Alpha."

"Fine. For him." Cassie frowns, "Goddess knows if I don't do it, you'll just find a way to make the situation worse."

"Thank you." I say with a nod.

"Off I go to spend some time with my big brother-in-law." Cassie says as she exits the room.

"Now that you have sufficiently saved your mate bond, can we get back to the rogues?" Jasar asks, "They are getting bolder. Rylan requests the Alpha's audience."

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