Chapter 9. The stuff of fairy tales

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I tossed and turned that night once I got home. Werewolves. There were talking about werewolves. There was so much going on when I heard it I hadn't processed it but now I had all the time in the world.

Come on now! They don't really exist! In this day and age there's no way something like werewolves wouldn't be all over the news. People are way too nosey. But yet, my super serious headmaster and a DOCTOR were talking about them, why?! I really wish Amy hadn't drawn attention to us. And she did it on purpose! What was she thinking? Unless she knew.... no! Snap out of it. There is no way werewolves are real. I just couldn't comprehend such a thing. I was way to logical to believe in such as thing as werewolves for heavens sake!

I continued arguing with myself but eventually fell asleep. I started to dream but this time it was different. Instead of seeing it though my eyes I was seeing it as if I was a bystander. It also wasn't the dream of my parents. This was definitely felt like a memory. It was the night I fell asleep in the woods.

A half naked man walked up to my 'sleeping' body and tried to pick me up, but quickly let go.

"What the Hell! Her skin just burnt me!!" The man cried out and took a few steps away from dream me and looked to a huge black thing slowly walking towards us. It was a ginormous pitch black wolf! It stalked towards dream me. The wolf leaned down and sneezed in dream me's face when he took a whiff near my collar bone.

I watched as the dream me's eyes fly open in panic. I stood frozen in place for a moment, staring down the biggest beast I'd ever seen. I saw the beautiful golden eyes staring into the dream me's eyes. From my vantage point now I could see that the wolf was not in an aggressive stance. It didn't bare its teeth, lay down its ears, or move to attack me. Without warning dream me jumped up and ran away. The wolf looked back to the half-naked man and rolled his massive head towards where memory me had run off to. Together they slowly followed dream me. They saw dream me running from a distance, watching myself was comical. I was not graceful in any way. They watched as I ran into the teacher, listened for him to call in my rescue over the walkie talkie, then they both bolted back into the forest.

I tried to follow them but I could feel myself waking up. Everything slowly faded to black.

I thought I was waking up, but instead I found myself in a meadow. In the middle of wild flowers was a cute little girl, probably two or three years old, she had beautiful brown hair tied into pig tails and blue eyes. Next to her was a man, I assume her father because of how much they looked alike. He had the identical color hair and eyes. He looked to be in his twenties and stared at the young girl with nothing but adoration.

"Orion!" I hear a soft sing-song  voice call through the trees, "it's time for supper, bring Noel before it gets cold!"

My heart stopped. I was that little girl! This was my dad! His name was Orion! We were happy! A happy family!

I see Orion grin at the little girl.

"Wolfy daddy wolfy!!" She cried begging something from her dad, then covered her eyes with her little hands. The man stepped a few feet away. Quickly, as in if I had blinked I would've missed it, he transformed into a ginormous brown wolf. The monstrous wolf walked up to the little girl and nudged her face with her nose. She giggled and uncovered her eyes. The wolf licked the girls face and she started laughing. She climbed onto his back and they took off through the trees. I longed to follow them, with tears in my eyes, but I could feel the scene being pulled away from me. Everything slowly faded to black.

When I was fully awake I just stared at the ceiling. I had always believed that my dreams were a deep insight into my brain, but there was no way that any of what I just dreamed could be real. I must be distorting things with all the craziness I was thinking of before falling asleep. I was unsettled but resigned myself to believe that. Today was the first day back to school and I wasn't going to let some crazy dream derail me.

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