Chapter 32. Training for War

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After the first week tensions had lessened. It took a few days for us to realize though that Alpha Alan had disappeared during that time. Michael was hurt but he tried not to show it. I hoped this didn't mean that he had turned to Alpha Jackson, but I knew that it probably did.

Amy and Thomas hadn't been together at all since arriving with their covens. Amy's leader, who I learned was also her mother, did not approve of her being mated to Thomas. To me this was just utter nonsense. I wanted to get in the middle of it but Amy had asked me not to, so I didn't. I just silently fumed.

Within a week the covens' and packs' warriors arrived. They were allowed to leave half  behind to protect those who didn't come. We were going to train together for three weeks before attacking Alpha Jackson.

The first day I quickly learned that my presence was needed to help keep the peace. It seemed as soon as I walked away someone would begin fighting. It felt like I was babysitting teenagers. Several people found their mates, some of which were different races, and that caused tension here and there but I did all I could to diffuse the situations. I always silently hoped that Amy's mother would hear my words.

Thomas and Amy having to be apart was taking a toll on them. Anyone could tell. Neither looked healthy and during training neither were preforming as well as I knew they could. With Michael's approval I finally decided to call a meeting with them.

It was tense just being in the same room but it needed done. By the end Amy's mother, Alexandria, stormed out. She was not happy. I had told her not to come between them. Amy was upset but the relief she showed when Thomas embraced her made it all worth it. They left hand in hand.

It took a few days for Alexandria to quit glaring but eventually she did. Then she started talking to Amy again. I figured it would take time but I was happy with the direction it was going. One worry off my plate. Now if everything else was just as simple.

Every day I trained with a different race. On Wednesdays and Saturdays everyone trained together, those days were the hardest. On Sundays everyone had a break, without which I feared everyone would become too run down. As the days passed everyone started to get along, most were even becoming friendly with each other. It was an amazing thing to witness.

One day while visiting my mother she commented on the progress.

"You know, I've lived a long time. Never in my life have I seen what you've been able to accomplish here. Having this many people of different races, from different covens and packs, being able to work together and thrive. It really is amazing Noel. You are amazing." My mother praised me, bringing blush to my cheeks.

"I don't think I really did much." I admitted.

"Oh honey, you are the glue. Watching you is just something else. All of this is because of you, weather you see it or not. This is what a white wolf was meant to be." She stated, tears filling her eyes, "I only wish your father was here to see this."

With that statement my mother started bawling. Tears streamed down her face and onto my shoulder as I hugged her. I didn't know if she could live with the loss of my father. It was still tearing her apart. Soon she fell asleep, so I laid her down and left.

I felt guilty for being able to spend time with my father when she could not. In dreamland I frequently called him. He helped me with everything, from my speech to battle plans. I had become very close with him. I was very thankful for that gift but I desperately wished he was still alive.

In dreamland I also called Annalise quite a bit, she would sometimes bring other white wolves and they helped me to train. Everything I worked on in dreamland carried into real life.

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