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After the war things took time but slowly pieced back together. The council is currently trying to track down anyone from Jackson's army that survived. One day I would go to help assist them, but not for a few months.

Michael and I had a baby boy of the way. We had decided to name him Orion for my father. Michael has been by my side 24/7 since we realized I was pregnant. Not that I minded, with all the preparing for the war we hadn't gotten to spend much time together.

Brian and Brie are now also expecting. They are having a little girl. Amy and Thomas left the pack about a month after the war, promising to return one day, but they wanted to visit each of their covens.

When I finally had the meeting with the council after the war, which I avoided for as long as possible, things didn't go too smoothly. I demanded a head seat on the council, they were wanting to make another seat for me, equal to them.

That is not who I am. I am the white wolf and I was meant to be the sole leader of the races. I didn't want to be a dictator, far from that, I just wanted it to be clear that they needed to report to me, that I am the peace keeper.

This of corse didn't sit well. Many member left with a huff before we could even discuss it. The rest I had a lengthy conversation with, and in the end they agreed. Within weeks even the ones that had left agreed.

I still visited my mother and father in dreamland but not often, they were finally reunited and I didn't want to constantly interrupt that. I routinely spoke with the other white wolves though, I never tired of hearing their stories. Learning all I could from them.

Alan was gone, I had learned that he tried to kill Michael himself, thankfully Brian had saved him. We don't really know why he did it but I suppose he was just a crazy man in the end. My younger twin brothers haven't shown themselves yet, but we're keeping an eye out for them.

Reed was a thriving member of the pack now. I truly enjoyed spending time with him. He was the sole care taker of Abriel. She was a beautiful little girl. Seemed to take a lot after my mother, but she had her father's eyes.

I loved to spend time with Abriel but every once in awhile those eyes would get to me and I'd have to leave. I loved her, but I had some deep scars that needed to heal. Reed was harder as he looked just like his father, but he was definitely growing on me. It helped that my mother had spoke of him in a positive light.

My father's pack lands were now without an alpha. As the true heir, I had a right to the alpha title, with my mate as alpha, but I didn't want it. I debated on giving it to Reed but I didn't trust him enough.

In the end we decided to move the remaining pack members here to our pack. My younger twin brothers were not there. The rest were given a choice, to come here and take a blood oath, or become rogue. Every single one took the oath. They were not happy under Jackson and were thankful to be rid of him.

The lands we decided to give to Amy and Thomas, to do with what they will. I just knew I would never willingly set foot in that castle, in truth I wanted it torn down.

Amy and Thomas came up with a beautiful idea for it. They decided to make a new coven. It would be a coven for hybrids, those in a hybrid relationship, or even a full blood misfit. So that everyone would have somewhere they could belong. They set to work fixing the castle up and people started pouring in.

I was surprised by how many felt pushed out of their own covens or packs. I made it a mission of mine to try to change this backwards view. I was revered for being who I was, the white wolf, but my existence is impossible without a hybrid and a hybrid relationship.

There was still a lot of work to be done but I was excited and hopeful for the future.

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