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"Dirty Secrets" is the sequel to my supernatural thriller, "Her Terrifying Love."


For Lyla Perry, hauntings are manifestations of unresolved issues. Things keep coming back.

There's the gray and white striped top that she wears the night of Keenan's death. Lyla throws it in the garbage, she cuts it to pieces with scissors. And yet it returns.

There's Keenan's ring. To Keenan, it represents ownership. To Lyla, it symbolizes complete submission. And so she refuses to wear it. She throws the ring out the window on a highway. She drops it into a sewer grate. She flings it into the woods. And yet it returns.

And she is haunted by Keenan, himself. As a broken, decaying corpse he is relentless in his pursuit. Until Lyla wears his ring, he'll keep coming back. Unresolved issues will not be ignored.

And there are secrets. Dirty secrets.

Lyla's first secret is the result of her shame and embarrassment. How did she get trapped in an abusive relationship? How could she be so blind as to not recognize Keenan as a predator? She thinks she has the relationship under control, but soon she's in way over her head. Until she can free herself from her destructive situation, she keeps it a secret.

Her second secret is the accidental death and strategic disposal of the body of Keenan Ames. Lyla can't confess what she's done to the police. She'll be arrested. She can't confide in Darcy and implicate her best friend. She can't tell her dad. It would break his heart. And if Keenan's unstable mother, Rose finds out that Lyla has a hand in Keenan's disappearance, Lyla will wish she'd never been born.

Unresolved issues and secrets are eating her alive, transforming Lyla Perry into something deceitful, and delusional. And with every issue left unresolved and every secret kept, the pressure builds, the nightmares become real, and the darkness closes in.

How long can Lyla hold onto her Dirty Secrets?


"Dirty Secrets" is rated PG-13 for mild language, violence, abusive behavior, and depictions of mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, bipolar, PTSD, psychosis, schizophrenia, and substance abuse, which may be triggers for some readers. 

Also, because "Dirty Secrets" is a ghost story, it contains suspenseful, disturbing, and gruesome content.

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