Part 18

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The last one out of the building, Lyla stepped into the courtyard tentatively, her eyes searching the top rails of the basketball court's chain-link fence and the roofline of the hospital for blackbirds.

So far, so good. No birds.

Still not fully on her feet and unable to work up the courage to venture into the garden, she followed the walkway, taking refuge in the basketball court. Most kids had congregated on the right side of the court.

Alone on the other end was Eric. With his back to her, his face was obscured, but it was obvious that he was a wreck. His arms stretched upward, his claw-like fingers clamping the chain-link fence. He slowly bumped his pelvis against the fence, swung his hips back and repeated the motion over and over and over again. Each time the metal fence rattled. Where he typically attracted a swarm of fanboys and fangirls, today Eric was the singular figure on his half of the basketball court alone with his dark thoughts.

Lyla felt compelled to offer comforting words but what could she say? Besides, she hardly knew Eric. Should she ask him if he wanted company? Or should she pretend that she didn't see him and retreat into the crowd? The deciding factor came in the form of an errant basketball pass, which struck her hard in the back. 

"Ow! That really hurt!" she grumbled.

"Sorry." Bo wheezed as he chased down the ball.

Time to go back in the building. Don't make yourself a target for blackbirds.

"Hey. Lyla," Packer called just as she exited the court. He showed off by bouncing the ball behind his back and between his legs on his way to her. "So, hey," he said.


"I didn't know if you knew. I'm outta here tomorrow morning."


"No, I'm tunneling out." He laughed. "Yeah, discharged."

"That's awesome."

"How 'bout you?"

"I think they said something about maybe Friday. If I don't have another episode." She used the obligatory air quotes around "episode."

"You mean like your hallucinations or whatever?"

She scowled. "What's that supposed to mean?"

His face reddened. "Sorry. I thought I heard—"

"What did you hear?" She was equal parts angry and embarrassed.

"That maybe you were hearing stuff and seeing stuff or whatever." His voice trailed off. "What do I know? I'm just a dumbass."

"You're not a dumbass. Should probably just mind your own—"

"Stay in my lane. Right." He nodded then looked at his shoes. He took a deep breath. "So, hey. I just wanted to ask. If like when we're out, you wanna maybe get together?"

What? His question caught her completely off-guard.

"Just a casual hang. Maybe?" He diffused her anger.

"Uh. I guess."

"I think you're pretty awesome."


He nodded and punctuated it with a flirtatious smile. "You have a boyfriend or anything?"


"Why do you keep asking me that?" He laughed. "Yeah. I'm talking to you."

"I thought you said just a casual hang."

"Yeah, I mean, yeah."

She looked up into his blue eyes. She never really thought about it but Packer was kind of cute.

"I mean you never know what could happen," he said.

"Uh. Yeah, I guess."

Before she could react, he leaned in and kissed her. He whispered, "I didn't hear Petie yell so I'm gonna do it again." 

He was true to his word but this time Petie witnessed Packer's advance and he reacted.

"Whoa! Hold up there, Packer." Petie came jogging up the walkway. "What's going on here? Lyla, you okay?"

"Yeah, I was just... surprised. I guess."

"I was just saying good-bye," said Packer. "Told her I'm leaving tomorrow."

"Maybe you pull another stunt like that, maybe you ain't leaving tomorrow."

"Sorry," Packer apologized to Lyla.

"Apology accepted."

"Don't let me see nothing like that again," Petie warned before he turned and lumbered away.

"Well...," said Packer. "Whatever. I'll see you back in there."

"Before you go?" Lyla asked.

"No, I mean the day shift. Coming back for sessions and like that."

"Yeah. Right."

He handed her a small piece of folded paper. "My number. Hit me up or something when you get your phone back." He rolled the basketball across the court. 

"I don't even know your name," she said.

"Packer's good." He winked at her, then surprised her with another quick kiss.

"Dude!" Lyla gasped. "You totally missed the point of that."

He smiled at her, then started for the building.

The shock hadn't worn off. That was totally unexpected. Was she projecting some signals to him that she wasn't even aware of? She couldn't get involved with some guy she met at a place like this. What about Jack?

For the first time, she thought about Jack in clear-headed realistic terms. Not through the fog of romantic fantasy. He probably wanted nothing to do with her, not after what they'd been through. Not after she'd had a breakdown and ended up in a mental hospital. She was sure that by now everyone had heard about it. In her absence, she had probably attained legendary status at school. There wasn't a chance in hell that Jack Bentley would ever want to be associated with Lyla the psycho ever again. It was a severely painful thought. Particularly painful because it was probably true.

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