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Chapter 16

"Oh my goodness! I am ready to take a long break from school." Penny exaggerates as we take our sits in the cafeteria.

Laughing at her, I reply. "We've only been in school for a couple of weeks and you're already tired?"

She widens her eyes, "Are you kidding me? I could literally just quit even." She continues to exaggerate whereas I just roll my eyes at that.

With that, I start munching on my cheese burger and double chocolate chip frappuccino.

Diabetics waiting to happen.

"So I was thinking that since it's the weekend, we can go out together or something. Bring Blaire too, it can be a girl's night out." Penny suggests.

As promised, a few days ago I introduced Penny to Blaire and Alex. Whereas Blaire clicked with Penny immediately, Alex ended up clashing heads with her. I swear those two fight each other even about the smallest of things.

I sigh, "I can't. Leo asked me to go with him to some ball dance event tonight."

She stares at me for a couple of seconds. Eyes and mouth wide open. "What!?" She screeches in disbelief.

I nod. "Yeah. I don't know why you're shocked, it was part of the deal, remember?"

Penny shakes her head, "No, that's not why I'm shocked. I'm shocked because he asked you. Mr Bad Billionaire asked you." She exclaims, "Wasn't he supposed to demand you as always?"

I chuckle, "Maybe he changed. People change Penny you know. "

She snorts, "Not him"

Penny's right, I'm just as shocked as she is. Not so long ago Leo didn't acknowledge me at all, and suddenly, after my drunken night, he became nice to me. Well, nicer.

I'm just hoping tonight won't get too much for me. Lord knows how these rich people could act.

Then, all of a sudden, we hear noises and cheers from outside. "What do you think is happening?" I ask, earning me a shrug.

With one look, we disregard our food and go outside.

When we arrive outside, I see a group of college girls gathering around... a car? As we get closer, I notice that the black car is the one that Wilson drives which only made me more confused.

Penny, being Penny, pulls a girl aside and questions her, "Hey, what's happening?"

The girl, with bright blue hair, looks at us with excitement. "Can't you see? It's Leonardo O'Neil, he's here!" With that, she goes back to the crowd, screaming with them.

I nod. Of course he's here, but the question is why?

Penny and I squeeze my way through the crowd. And just as said, Leonardo is there, leaning on the black car with his black shades on. He has a smug face on as he crosses his arms across his chest. Leo is wearing his usual formal wear but without a tie, and his shirt unbuttoned.

I resist the urge to facepalm myself but go against it. "What are you doing here?" I whisper to him as soon as I stop in front of him.

He takes off his glasses and smirks. "I thought mi'lady needs a ride home." He stares at the back of me and his smirk drops. "And the friend, of course." He sarcastically adds

"Hey," Penny chirpers disregarding the sarcasm.

Wilson pops his head out of the window and says, "Sir, we have to get going. The appointment is in a few."

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