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Chapter 18

      When I thought that the ball will be something small with only a few rich people, then I was wrong.

The ball's hosted at a big mansion in a massive hall. Everyone arrived with highly expensive cars and limos, and the best thing is the fact that the media wasn't invited. Waiters and waitresses dressed in black and white uniforms were going up and down with small pieces of food and wine. Let me not get started on the outfits everyone is wearing, and I can't help but feel out of place.

"Mr O'Neil, it's so nice to meet you once again." A man, who looks like he's in his 40s, comes to view.

Leo nods at the man, "Mr Chitwan, it's always a pleasure." He says as politely as he can with a blank face. Something I've never understood why he did that whenever he's in front of people. Usually on these high events. "Please meet my soon to be wife, Alison."

Mr Chitwan takes my hand and kisses it, making me feel uncomfortable. "It's a pleasure to be in the presence of such beauty."

I force a smile and pull my hand away, "Hello." I look back to Leo, "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back." He nods and with the I walk to wherever the bathroom is.

In all honesty, I have no idea where the bathroom is. It has only been a few minutes and I'm already tired of this rich snobby place.

  I rum around for a good 15 minutes until I figure out that I'm officially lost. So I decide to just wait at the food section. Hopefully Leonardo will see me and make he's way to me, wherever he is.

"Hey, are you lost?" I turn my head and see a blonde man, around his 20s looking at me.

I sigh, "Yeah, kinda."

He sits beside me, "So who are you with?"

"Leonardo O'Neil, we just arrived a few minutes ago before I wondered off."

The man raises an eyebrow as if not believing me, "Leonardo O'Neil? Really?" I stare at him with a blank face showing him no signs of fooling around. "Holy shit."

I chuckle at his expression. "Holy shit indeed. O don't get why it's such a big deal anyway. "

Once again he stares at me with an 'are you kidding me' kind of expression. "Leonardo pretty much never once brought a date to any of these billionaire gatherings, as far as I know. He's pretty much a one man kind of guy." He explains and sips on his drink, tat I didn't know he had, after.

I nod taking in all the information. "So I'm basically the first person he has ever brought?" I think out loud.

"Not really." Another voice enters and I immediately recognise it as Alexander's voice. Leonardo and Blaire's friend, well I think he's mine and Penny's friend now too.

"Oh wow, how nice of you to join us Alexander." The blonde states sarcastically, adding an eye roll to that.

Alexander ignores him and looks at me. "As I was saying, you're not really the first person Leo has ever brought to these gatherings."

"What do you mean?" The blonde asks before I get the chance too. Damn it, I must really ask his name, I'm tired of calling him "the blonde".

"What I mean, Ben," ah, there's his name, "is that Leo once brought a girl with him as his date, more than once even. They were pretty much close." Alexander says.

I frown, Leo has been close to someone before. "When was that?" I ask.

He opens his mouth to say something but gets interrupted as his phone rings. Alex apologizes before walking away.

I know I shouldn't be worried over the fact that Leo has been with someone else before, I mean a man his age obviously has been with probably a handful of people. But thing is, I liked the fact that I was the first person he showed interest too, and it kind of made me feel special.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Ben questions.

I shake my head. "No, it's nothing." I look at the crowd of people ball dancing, "Hey, do you want to dance?"


"Oh my goodness, you're such a horrible dancer!" I point out as Ben and I go to the bar to quench our thirst and to catch our breaths.

He laughs, "I never said I was one pumpkin."

We both order our drinks and sit down at the stools at the bar. As we drink our drinks, we start falling into a web of stories, sharing laughs too.

Well that was until we heard someone speak behind us, startling us. "Having fun now, are we?"

I look back and see Leonardo standing there with his hands crossed across his chest, with a blank expression on his face.

I flash him a small smile, "There you are. Ben here was just keeping me company because I couldn't find you."

He stares at Ben, who's looking anywhere but at us. "I see that, and couldn't you find a female to keep you company?"

My smile is instantly turned to a frown at that. "What?" I ask out of curiosity.

Leo looks back at me. "Grab your things we're going home." With that he turns and walks away.

Quickly, I take my small bag and hurriedly follow him, meaning I have to jog a bit in these heals.

As soon as we arrived outside, it seemed like he only increased his pace. "Hey, wait up." Taking off my heels and holding them in my hands, I run after him until I've caught up.

   The car ride home was a quiet one, with none of us speaking. Leo couldn't loosen his grip on the staring wheel as he speeds down the road.

"What the hell is your problem?" I shout at him in frustration as we get inside the house, obviously had enough of his little tantrum.

He turns to look at me and clenches his jaw. "What's my problem? My problem is the fact that my fiance is out there publically flirting with another man!" He raises his voice at the end.

I roll my eyes at how childish he's been. "I wasn't flirting with him Leonardo, and maybe if you would've made yourself visible I wouldn't have met him."

"You're making it seem like I was the one who told you to leave side!"

I throw my hands in the air in frustration. "I'm sorry for that, but I was starting to feel a bit left out. I'm new to these things and this just overwhelms me a bit."

His chest moves up and down showing how heavily he's breathing. "But that doesn't give you the right to go around and befriending men."

I look at him in disbelief. "Excuse me! I'll have you know that I am my own person and I can do whatever I want and befriend whoever I want without your permission!" I exclaim.

Leonardo steps closer to me until I can feel his body heat and breath on me. He grips my chin and causes me to look up.

"Listen Sunshine, you are married to me and that means you'll submit to me." He says holding my chin tighter.

I stare at his blue eyes. "The day I submit to you, is the day I'll rather die."

I harshly swat his hand away from my chin and run upstairs.

Well, after today I can officially say that jealousy is a dangerous thing.


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