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Bonus Chapter

                             *4 years later*

Baby Jaxon was now no longer a sweet baby boy who could resemble an angel. No, now he's a trouble maker hidden under that baby face of his, but yes he's still a baby, my baby.

With him being a spitting image of his father, I have no doubt he'll break a few heart when he's a teenagers and older. But with my somewhat sarcastic nature and his naught behaviour that he got from god knows where, he is bond to annoy people to the point where there'll be pulling their hair out.

Ever since he learnt to walk and talk, he has been pulling unthinkable stunts. He first threw away all my beauty products into the bath tub and mixed them all, thinking he could reenact the scene from The Game Plan. Then he was caught cutting Leo's suits saying he was trying to be a fashion designer after watching Project Runway, I don't even know where he knew where the scissors where. Just last week he walked in on Leo and I about to do the deed saying he was scared.

Okay, that last one was not so bad because I love holding him in my arms, though Leo saw it as **** blocking him.

But today, today I swear I'm going to have his head when I find him.

Penny decided to take us out shopping and for lunch. We were shopping in forever 21 when Jaxon took off running around the store after yelling "Tag, you're it."

We have been looking for him for almost an hour now and still we haven't found him. We even got the security to help us. I don't know what I was thinking going out with him, the boy practically plays Tag whenever he gets the chance to.

  I feel my eyes fill with tears of anger and anxiety when we still don't find him. "How the hell haven't you found him yet? This store is not even that big!" I yell at the poor security guard who just reported that he isn't in the changing rooms. Others even went to the neighbouring stores to check for him.

Penny wraps her arms around me and says to the guy, "Thank you." The guy nods and leaves to continue searching. "Alison, I know you're scared but you don't have to shout at people who volunteered to look for him. You know how Jax is good at this game, so it will be difficult to find him."

I nod and wipe my tears off my face. "You're right, he's probably still in here." Just as I say that, a tall security man comes to view holding a small boy, a Jaxon to be exact.

My anxiety and anger immediately melts away when I see him and I run to him, taking Jim away from the man.

"We found him hiding at the far back under the winter coats." The tall guy says.

I quickly thank him and let Penny talk to him and thank him.

I put Jaxon on the ground and look at him with a stern face while he is pouting. "Mummy, the mean man ruined our game. But don't worry, I'll hide again." He almost takes off once again, but this time I'm prepared.

I gently tug his little arm and cause him to look at me. "Listen Jaxon, running off in a mall where anything could happen to you is not okay. We can play tag at home but never here. You made me think you were lost."

Jason's blue eyes turn big and he starts giving me his puppy eyes, something he always does to get himself out of trouble. "I'm sorry mummy, I just wanted to play."

My heart warms up at that no matter how much I try not too. "It's okay baby but you know I have to tell daddy, right?"

His eyes widen in fear and he shakes his head. "Please mummy don't tell Daddy,*

I resist the urge to smile at his cuteness because he has to see just how serious I am. Just then, Penny comes. "Hey guys, I think we should go now. Sam has been texting me non stop." She says with a blush.

Sam is Penny's boyfriend for two years now and still whenever she talks or hears about him, she blushes. Though I don't blame her because I also do the same.

I pick up Jaxon and place him on my hip. "Yeah, I think this one over here had too much play time for one day."


I hear the front door opening before hearing, "Sunshine, I'm home."

He walks into the living room and kisses my lips gently before pulling back. Four years later and he still looks as handsome as ever. "Hey baby, how was your day? I saw your text telling me about one of Jaxon's adventures." He chuckles sitting next to me.

I groan in exhaustion thinking about that. "Don't remind me. I should have just listened to you when you told me not to take him with."

"Where is he?" Leo asks.

I lean into his arms, "In the kitchen with Liz, he said he wants to learn how to make cookies. "

"Are you really going to allow him to bake at this age? In fact, forget that. Are you really going to let Jaxon anywhere near pots?" Concern dripping in his voice, and a bit of sarcasm.

I roll my eyes and chuckle. "Relax, I put him in his little secure baby chair. He will just be watching Liz."

But the universe always finds pleasure in proving me wrong when the person we're talking about stumbles in here with a large grin and a glass of water at hand.

"Daddy!" He exclaims excited and quickens his steps.

I sit up straight and look at him, questions running in my head about how the hell did he get out.

Jaxon hands Leo the glass of water and smiles, putting his hands behind his back in an innocent manner, but I know my child and he is nowhere near innocent.

"I though you would want a glass of water when you got home, so here you go." He says in the sweetest little voice.

I chuckle and smirk. "So where is my glass of water?"

He looks at me and shrugs. "I don't know, but I can ask Aunty Lizzy to get you some." That's all he says before kissing Leo's cheek and saying, "Love you daddy." And runs off.

We both laugh at our little boy. "He's trying to save himself from getting punished isn't he?" Leo says beside me.

I nod between my laughs. "Yep, but I'm thinking we take away his toys." I suggest with a smirk.

Leo shakes his head. "No, he'll still survive. How about depriving him of Liz's cookies and taking away his tv time?"

I chuckle and nod. "But you're the one telling him."

He groans. "Why do I always have to tell him the bad news?"

I look him in the eyes and say, "Because you're the tough parent. His puppy eyes always gets me." I lean back on his chest. "Plus, I'm pretty sure he took your naughty genes."

"Yeah but he is our naughty boy." He says, and I could practically sense his smile.

I nod and smile too. "That he is. And I wouldn't have it any other way."


Okay, this is officially the LAST CHAPTER. I received your messages and I've decided to gift you with a surprise bonus chapter featuring our very own Jaxon. ❤️

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