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Jack said that he moved to Vermont. I thought that was weird. His dad said New York area and I assumed he meant city. I don't know.

I rush my youth group through registration again this year. Jack said he requested me as his roommate in his emails. I can't remember if I requested him. I heard that in teen camp you can switch cabins to be with your friends. I hope I never have to switch. I don't want to ask anyone.

But Jack and I are in the same cabin, so it's not even a problem. Hunter isn't our counselor this year. It's some guy named Thomas. He's kind of mean to Jack. I think it might be because he heard about Jack's pranks. Or maybe it's just because Jack and I stay in the cabin for three hours and do nothing but talk. It's mostly Jack.

"Hey, Tyler," an older boy says from the doorway. I look up. I don't recognize him. Either way, it doesn't matter. Jack jumps off his bed and shuts the door in his face.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"Nobody," Jack replies bitterly.

Thomas sighs. "I'm not dealing with your drama all week."

"Save it, frogboy," Jack mutters.

I'm glad that Thomas didn't hear him. He would've been in a lot of trouble for talking back and he would've given away his prank. He snuck three frogs into the counselor's bathroom, into Thomas' shower. It's going to be hilarious.

Jack won't tell me who that was or why he got so mad. It takes until after chapel for him to tell me. We sneak out onto the front porch after lights out and he tells me that it's some stupid kid from his old church that keeps telling people he moved because he was doing something. Jack won't tell me exactly what the kid thought he was doing, but I get the feeling it's bad.

We're only ten and it seems like this kid thinks Jack broke the law.

"So why don't you just tell an adult?" I ask him.

He gives me a look. "How well has that ever worked out for you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said that you tell a teacher when people are horrible to you."


"How much does that help?"

"They stop talking to me."

"And how many friends do you have?"


He looks surprised. "Just me?"

"Kind of, yeah."

He bites his lip. It's kind of mesmerizing. "Me too."

Oh. So I'm not alone. It's not weird. It can't be weird that I'm kind of obsessed with him. He's my best friend. My only friend.

"Why is that? You're awesome," I say.

He shrugs. "I guess I'm just too much for some people. I've been told I'm annoying."

"Only most of the time."

We both laugh. A few more minutes of playful banter and we have to go back inside.

Tuesday, Jack and I don't talk about the kid. I don't remember his name. Jack told me, but I forgot almost immediately. I see him around camp all day. He looks so smug. I don't even know what he's done to Jack, but I really want to hurt him. I'm a weakling though, so he'd probably just beat the daylights out of me.

When Jack notices him, he noticeably tenses up and takes a step closer to me. He doesn't leave me alone the entire day. It's kind of nice but really worrying. Jack won't tell me anything.

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