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As you may know, this is the original version of this book. I've modified and added to it in the revised edition. That version is up on my page and also linked here https://my.w.tt/1cEfKsxNB7

Here's the synopsis for you:

Jack and Tyler meet at Our Redeemer Baptist Camp when they're seven years old. They're polar opposites, Jack being outgoing and Tyler a nervous wreck, but they quickly become inseparable. Despite the fact that they only see each other for one week every year, they become best friends.
     When that brotherly love turns into something more, Tyler tries his best to convince himself it's nothing. But when Jack reciprocates that feeling, neither of them know what to do.
     Together, they fight the odds. From homophobic parents to school bullies, they're bonded together for life.

I'm not telling you what to do, but you should definitely check out the other version either first or before you read this. I say this here because this one was out first and therefore has more traction and has been suggested to more people. As you can tell by the (right now) 35k as opposed to 3k, I need some help getting the views up on the Revised Edition. 

To help you out, here are some comments I've gotten on the other: 

"Still reading and still liking it, it's actually fun to read it again and search for the things that change :D" Kingy_The_First

"Welcome to *puts on sunglasses* CAMP GAY" NicoleHades67230

"I love your writing, it's so exquisite and oh my Gosh I could cry. My baby is so pure , Jack is well in his way to be my MCM and I think Isaiah is aight. I wanted to wait read this story once it was complete but it kept calling to me. As a Christian and a hopeless romantic of course this story called to me.  I don't even like to read incomplete stories. Now look what you've done, I'm on my way to the OG version. I can do both it's fine." darlinglies93

"No one is faster than an anxiety-riddled homosexual" NicoleHades67230

"This book is for sure going on my absolute favs list!!" CaptainofthisShip

"This chapter was an emotional rollercoaster. I cried and then I was so happy and smiled...this is so cute" thisbottomneedslove

"uh oh spaghet" NicoleHades67230

"Just want to say I'm really enjoying this version of him trying to figure out his feelings not just BAM and they're kissing" i_love_many_things


"This is a really interesting book. It's just slightly different from the normal bl. I'm not sure why. Maybe how it's written, where everything's kind of... blurry(?) except for certain moments? Like, normally when things are written from first person it's a lot of speech and not necessarily written like how the person is *feeling*. Like, this just conveys the emotions really well in a 'show' kind of way. I don't know how to describe it. I know this comment doesn't make any sense, but I just can't think of a better way to phrase it. At any rate I love it" SunsuhanW2m2

"Like villains on penicillin" CaptainofthisShip

That's enough comments for now, but I really hope and encourage you to read the Revised Edition!

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