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But all good things come to an end.

I get accepted to the University of Minnesota. And Jack gets accepted to Yale.

I'm so, so happy for him. But it's absolutely devastating. 

We never actually break up, but we agree that long-distance relationships don't normally work.

I don't see him until Christmas break. He doesn't have the money to come home, so I go to him. It's not like my family wants me, anyway.

I get out a day earlier than he does, so I surprise him after his last class. He's walking with a few guys, all four of them staring at a book that Jack's holding. One of the guys is standing far too close and it's clear that Jack is uncomfortable, but he doesn't say anything. He looks up a few times before his brain registers my face.

He stops dead in his tracks and shoves the book into someone else's hands.

He runs and hugs me so hard that my ribs hurt.

"What are you doing here?!" He laughs. And he kisses me.

I don't answer, I just kiss him again. God, I've missed this.

My heart soars. I can't even speak.

Jack seems to feel the same way. It's a good two minutes before I can talk. People are staring. Some are taking videos. I know that one girl got the whole thing. I had asked her where Jack's class was and we got to talking while I waited. She filmed the whole thing. I suppose it was kind of an amazing reunion, though.

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" one of them asks. He's kind of cute with beautiful dark skin and warm brown eyes. It's kind of mesmerizing.

"Oh, yeah! Ty, this is Judah, Evan, and Phillip. Guys, this is Tyler."

There are a mixture of reactions. Judah's eyes widen and his mouth opens a little, showing some amazingly white teeth.

Evan raises his eyebrows.

Phillip just goes red and looks confused.

"So I guess you've heard of me?" I ask.

"I just- I thought- we thought you two broke up," Judah says.

"Did we break up?" Jack asks.

"I don't think so. We talked about it."

"We did. Do you think we'd still be friends?"

"I don't know. Let's try it."

Jack grins at me and then puts on a comically serious face. "Tyler."


"I think we should break up."

"I think so too."


We both turn away from each other, take five steps, then turn back around and come back. We both act surprised to see each other.



"This is a normal interaction."

"So it is."

"Very fun,"

"I would like to un-break up."

"As would I."

"Fantastic," Jack says, his grin returning.

His friends watch this interaction like we're crazy.

"What the hell was that?" Evan asks.

"What?" I'm very confused. That was typical Jack behavior.

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