Chapter 1

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Ever since I can remember, my life has been a living hell. A dead mother, a father who despises my existence, and brothers who beat me out of fear of our very own flesh and blood.

To say my life hasn't been easy, would be an understatement. I spend my days, when I'm allowed out of the basement that has turned into my prison, I am forced to cook for and clean after the men who abuse me almost daily.

I have three brothers, two older, Bernardo and Blanco, then one younger, Bruno. Bruno's the nicest of the three. He still sees me as his big sister, not the runt of the litter like the rest of my family. I know at first, my brothers only agreed to beat me out of fear of our father but over the years... I think they've began to agree with Father and enjoy my pain.

My father, Barto, has always hated me and viewed me as weak simply because I have breasts on my chest and a vagina between my legs. He's extremely sexist; so he never thought highly of my mother either, even though she was his mate. He would beat her too when she were alive, not as bad as me, but still over such stupid little things, like the counters weren't completely clean or dinner wasn't cooked to his exact liking. Things like that.

My mother was all I had to brighten up my days in this never ending hell but then I lost her too... My father finally went too far but was too far gone to care. He had beat my mother to death over her not wanting to sleep with him. I mean, can anyone blame her? Sometimes I wish she would've just given in and let him have his way so she could still be here with me but I'm glad she died standing her ground.

So now I spend my days dreaming of the day my own mate finds me and rescues me. Oh, how I pray I get to live to see that day. To feel the pull of unconditional love. That love that takes seconds to form. That love that lasts a life time and can only be taken away by death. I dream of my mate every night... Praying to the Moon Goddess to bring him to me before it's too late. I'm almost 18, which means hopefully very soon he will.



Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

I awake to the sound of the basement buzzer going off, knowing either my father or my brothers needed something of me. I swiftly got up, got dressed, and rushed to the buzzer.

"Yes, Sir?" I said in the sweetest voice I could muster.

"Get up here, Mutt. We have much to discuss." My Father growled.

I rolled my eyes before replying, "Yes, Sir. I'll be right up, Sir.".

I tied my hair into a quick messy bun before running upstairs. My Father rarely bought me clothes, so I was stuck wearing old hand-me-downs shorts and a tank that used to belong to my Mother.

As I ran up the stairs and knocked three times on the door, I waited for one of the boys to unlock and open the door. To my dismay, it was my eldest brother, Bernardo, who opened the door. He stared me up and down before growling for me to follow him into the den.

"Ah, I see the Mutt finally decided to grace us with her unwanted presence." Blanco spat out.

"Sorry, it's not like I'm locked in a basement from the outside with no key." I snapped back instantly regretting it when I saw Blanco's eyes turn black as his wolf was starting to come out.

In seconds I felt a painful tug on my hair, immediately bringing me to the ground. "Calm yourself, Blanco. You'll have her soon enough." My Father said, griping the roots of my hair.

"And you." He snarled. "You know better than to talk back." He said as he flung me into the den, knocking me to the ground causing my wolf to let out a yelp of pain.

"Stay there, Mutt." My Father commanded.

"So what's going on, Father?" Bruno asked, taking the attention off me and onto the matter at hand.

"Ah, yes, right. As you all know, it's your pathetic sisters birthday in a month." My ears perked at his words. This is about me? About my birthday? Is he gonna let me go? I'll be 18 and ready to meet my mate, surely he'll let me go! Hope sparked in me as I continued to listen to the conversation.

"Yeah, what of it?" Bernardo chimed in.

"Well you all know, when a wolf reaches 18 their able to begin their journey to find their mate." He spoke looking directly into my eyes.

He might let us find mate! My wolf, Dexia, squealed in my mind.

Shush, Dex. This is Father we're talking about.

"We're not going to let her, are we?" Blanco asked and I glared at him in response.

My Father laughed, "Oh course not, Blanco. Who would want this weak, ugly, runt anyway?" I felt my heart break at his words and all the boys laughter. How could I be so stupid as to hope he'd let me go and live happily ever after with my mate.

"We're going to have to move her. Living amongst our pack is too risky. Too many wolves around. I'm going to speak with Alpha Alazar today about letting us move to one of the houses our pack owns in the country. That way, we don't have to worry about her mate finding her or anyone hearing her screams." They all began laughing and grinning at me. I wanted to burst out crying but held back my tears.

"You're not serious, are you, Father?" I asked.

"Of course I'm serious!" He yelled, getting up off the sofa. "You're a worthless piece of shit. You're a disgrace to the Garcia name. Did you really think I was going to let you go and be free with the love of your life?" He began laughing sinisterly again.

"Think again, Mutt."

"Why not!? Why keep me, if I'm such a disgrace!? Why not just hand me over to my mate so you never have to see me again!?" I yelled, getting up from the ground.

My Father marched over to me, grabbed my face and pulled me closer to his, squeezing my head as he stared at me with his dark, cold eyes.

"Because I'm never going to allow you a day of happiness in your life!" Without any notice he shoved me to the floor. "Take her to the basement. It's punishment time. Do as you please, I'll be back in a few hours with the Alpha's approval." And just as the words left my fathers lips, my brothers grinned their devilish grin at me and grabbed me, bringing me to the basement door and throwing me down the stairs.

"Let's get busy." Bernardo said, high-fiving Blanco.

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