Chapter 21

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2 Months Later


It's been two months since a lot of things took place. Sin and I had our first date. I found out he had my little brother locked away in his Pack Prison. And I realized my brothers knew our Father had been raping me for years and did nothing to stop it. 

A lot has taken place since that day. It's now March and Sin and I have gotten a lot closer. We've gone out almost every night together. I've learned so much about him, his pack, and his family. I've grown quite close to Hendrix and Chicago but I've yet to meet the youngest, Theo. I've caught glances of him but never able to personally greet him. 

Bruno and I have patched things up as well. I finally feel like things are finally turning around for me, for us. Bruno and I haven't been this close since we were toddlers. I make sure to spend time with him almost every day, along with the other boys. We have an occasional family game night where we all goof off and nearly kill each other because the games get us so heated. 

It's really been wonderful and I couldn't ask for a better family. Family... I still think about my Father and Brothers, as well as my Uncle. I just can't believe they've left me alone for so long. I can't believe they've left Bruno for so long. My Father may have been trash to me and my mother but he has always spoiled and loved my brothers with everything in him. 

I still look over my shoulder, fearing their just around the corner, plotting their next move against me. But I'm trying to be more positive and not let them control me anymore. 

We're safe. Dexia says. We're finally safe, Bella



It's been two months since Bella and I had our first date and when she learned I had her brother in my Pack Prison. She didn't speak to me for a few days after the panic attack she had when I left her and Bruno alone. She still hasn't told me what it was about or what 'they knew' was. I didn't want to pry, I know she'll tell me when she's ready. 

These past couple months has gone by quickly and has been rather amazing. I've been taking Bella out on dates almost every day. I've learned quite a bit of information. Some I've gained just by watching her. Bella's a very goofy bubbly girl once you break down her walls and actually see her for who she is. 

I know she thinks she's weak but she's quite the opposite. I've never had a person stand up to me with such furry and confidence when she wanted her brother released. She has a lot more strength than she gives herself credit for. 

Since our first date I've learned that her favorite color is aqua, she loves burger and fries, she has a weird fedish with hands--she loves the way fingers feel and look--it's really cute to see her examine my hands with such amusement in her eyes. 

Bella can also speak Spanish and English like me, though I have two more languages under my belt, it's nice to know I can speak to her in more than one tongue. She's also scared of the dark more than she'd like to admit. She's asked me more than once to lay with her until she falls asleep with the lights on and she'll immediately wake up if I turn one of the lights off. It's so adorable.

She's so cute when she sleeps too. There's just so much about her that's so amazing. I can't get enough of her. Emry is absolutely in love with her. 

About two weeks after Bruno moved into the pack house with us, I was able to show Emry to Bella and have them meet for the first time. 


"Where are we going, Sin?" Bella asked following behind me into the woods. 

"You'll see." I said. 

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