Chapter 24

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*Same Day As Last Chapter*


It's been about two months since Bella started training with Theo. I know she was worried at first about what he'd think about her but I knew he'd see what I saw in her and be willing to train her. My brother is the best of the best in our pack. A few years after our sister died he threw himself into training. 

All he ever did was train, exercise, practice. He did anything and everything he could to try and forget about Thea. Even though he began drinking quite early in his life, he always managed to stay fit and able. I've tried to stop his drinking but he practically thinks of me as his father and rebels against me like I am. 

I know Theo may come across as an asshole who doesn't care about anyone or anything but training and becoming a better fighter but he wasn't always like that and deep down, that's not who he really is. 

He used to be the most loving out of us all, including Thea. Even though Thea was born two minutes after Theo and was technically the baby, Theo was treated like the baby by my parents. He was always so kind and outgoing. He loved talking to everyone and was always giving a helping hand. 

It's sad to see what the loss of our parents and sister has done to him. My brothers and I have all tried to help him through the grieving process as best we could but our best just hasn't been enough.. I know Bella was upset before she started training about not meeting Theo and barely seeing him around but he's like a ghost. 

You can't see him unless he wants to be seen. Half the time I don't even know where he is, I always assume he's training with the pack or by himself, or he's at the creek. Like me, he has his own little water spot. Mines the little river on the westside meanwhile his is a little creek on the northside. He always comes when I call so I don't really mind not knowing where he is all hours of the day but I have to admit, it would be nice to see him around more... But maybe Bella can help. 

If anyone can knock some sense into Theo, I know it's Bella. 



The boys and I planned to make dinner for everyone and we're failing terribly. We decided to make something easy, breakfast. Well, Chicago burnt the toast, Hendrix burnt the eggs, I forgot to thaw out the sausage I was going to use, and now everything's gone to crap. 

"Where is your brother!?" Bella's voiced boomed. 

I turned around to see a very sweaty, angry, and honestly, sexy, Bella standing in the doorway of the kitchen. She was huffing and puffing, her chest rising and falling rapidly. 

"Hendrix and Chicago are right here." I say in response and she rolls her eyes extremely. 

"Not those ones you Moron! Where. Is. THEODORE!?" She screamed and both the boys and I exchanged the look of 'Oh shit'. 

"Um... I don't know?" I said, scared of my own mates reaction. 

"Ugh! I will find you Theodore! You can run but you can't fucking hide from me, Bucko!" Bella ran out absolutely fuming. 

"What in the hell did Theo do?" Hendrix asked, all of us mortified. 

"I've never seen Bella that angry. Not even when we ate her left over burger and fries." Chicago said. We all shivered at the hell we faced then. 

Jesus, I never thought I'd have a mate who scared the shit out of not just me but both my brothers. It's kinda hot. No, it's definitely very hot. 




It's been almost two hours since Theo ran off and I still can't find him! I don't care how long it takes but I will find him! I will find out what the hell is wrong with him and why he's treating me the way he is! 

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