{60 Normal day at University

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{60 Normal day at university

Your POV

Groggily you wake up and slowly turned around in your bad to glance at the alarm clock at your nightstand. You groan and quickly turn back around, it's way too early to get up. After tossing and turning for what seems like forever without being able to sleep you sit up sighing and angrily stare at the alarm as if it's his fault you're awake at this unholy hour. Slowly, you get out of bed and turn on the lights it's so early the sun isn't even up yet. The soulmate bond is all fun and all except when it's a famous idol who wakes up at 5 am or earlier. You can't even remember the last time you were able to sleep in. To get yourself more awake you take a quick shower and eat breakfast while watching your series on your laptop. After that, you get ready for university, even though you don't have any classes in the morning you have some work to catch up with since you only spent time working on the application in the past weeks.

When you get to the university the sun is still barely visible there's just a soft glow at the end of the horizon and you can still feel cold of the night on your small walk to the university. You wrap yourself tightly in your jacket and hurry to the entrance. On your way to the library, you pick up a cup of coffee and then get to work. After about an hour of work, you are suddenly startled by a voice.

''Hey!'' Haneul's voice sounds loud in the almost empty library and you look up surprised to find her here so early in the morning.

''Hey,'' You replied smiling, ''What brings you here so early in the morning?''

''Oh, well, I knew you were probably already working here so,'' She shrugged and plopped down on the chair next to me, ''And well one of my roommates decided it was a good idea to drop the whole cabinet of dishes in the morning.''

''A cabinet of dishes?'' You raise an eyebrow wondering how someone manages to do that.

''Okay not a cabinet but some idiot was washing the dishes and accidentally dropped half of it on the ground,'' Haneul's forehead wrinkled in annoyance, ''I seriously thought someone was breaking down the house and I had rushed downstairs to see what happened and well I was awake anyway so I came here.''


Haneul and you looked up to see Jieun standing a few meters away with her hands on her hips.

''WHY DID YOU JUST RUN AWAY?'' Jieun angrily stomps towards Haneul, ''YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST HELPED ME CLEAN UP!!'

''Wait..'' You looked from Jieun to Haneul and giggled, ''Don't tell me Jieun was the on that dropped the dishes?''

Haneul nodded and slowly backed away hiding behind you trying to avoid Jieuns's wrath. Jieun stormed forward trying to grab Haneul but she quickly jumped away just avoiding getting grabbed by Jieun.

''Aaah! No! I'm sooorrrrryyy!!'' She yelled and turned on her heels and ran away.

''Yah! Haneul!!'' Jieun yelled quickly ran after her.

You laughed and watched Jieun chase after Haneul through the library until finally catching her when she tried to hide behind a bookshelf. Jieun started tickling her merciless.

''NO! AHAHAHA,'' Haneul pleaded and sank to the floor but Jieun didn't let her go off easily, ''AHAHAHA STOP! STOP!''

''Promise me you'll do the dished for me next time!'' Jieun said still tickling Haneul.

''F-AHAHA- Fi- HAHAH -NE!'' Haneul barely got the word out in between laughs and was left out disheveled and breathless on the floor when Jieun released her.

Soulmates Yoongi x Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें