{79 At the apartment Pt2

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Your POV

It had been a few hours since Yoongi had come to your apartment and you had a serious talk about everything that had happened. To distract yourselves the two of you had been watching a Netflix series. However, there still had been one thing that you hadn't talked about with Yoongi yet. You hadn't brought it up yet because you were still getting over everything that had happened this morning, but if not now when were you going to talk about it?

''Yoongi?'' You asked in a soft voice, ''Can I ask you something?''

''Sure,'' Yoongi smiled at you, ''Anything.''

''Uh, well,'' You hesitate for a moment,  you knew it was a sensitive topic. Maybe it wasn't the right time to bring it up but you also needed answers and didn't want to leave it hanging in the air, ''What happened after your talk with the CEO? I know Namjoon found you under the blankets in your bedroom, but I didn't feel anything? And I mean nothing at all? I felt something before but it suddenly subsided and then there was nothing.''

Yoongi sighed, ''I just..'' 

He hesitated for a moment gathering his thoughts before he continued. 

''Honestly, I didn't feel anything,'' Yoongi looked at with sadness in his eyes, ''I thought my life was over, I was paralyzed, completely lost, not feeling like myself at all. The real me left the moment the CEO told me the contract was terminated. BTS isn't just a job for me it's my life. I gave my youth for it, my everything. It's all I had and it and everything was just gone like that,'' Yoongi snapped his finger, ''In an instant everything I had worked for gone. I think something in me broke at that moment, I don't know how to exactly describe it.''

''It's okay,'' You grabbed his hands and held them softly rubbing them to comfort him, ''You don't have to describe it I felt it too.''

''I'm sorry,'' Yoongi's eyes were filled with sadness, even though you couldn't' feel his emotion right now you might as well have because the expression on his face said more than a thousand words ever could. He truly felt sorry for you having to feel what he had felt, to drag you into his darkness. 

''You don't have to say sorry, Yoongi,'' You looked at him empathetically, ''It wasn't your fault.''

''I don't know why I became so numb to everything, I just felt like I had nothing to live for anymore. This was until you came that night. Suddenly everything hit me like a blow in the face. I had lost everything I had worked for but I hadn't lost you. You were there after everything that had happened, you were there.'' Yoongi grabbed your hand and hold them tight in his,'' You made me realize I hadn't lost everything, you were still here and so would the rest of BTS. I might no longer be part of it they were still my friends, my family they would all still be here. I wasn't alone anymore and all the emotions just came rushing back the moment you hugged.''

''I will always be here for you,'' You pulled him in close and hugged him tightly, ''I love you.''

''I love you too,'' Yoongi wrapped his arms around you hugging you back, ''Whatever happens I'll always be here for you.''

You gave him a soft kiss and just hold him until he eventually pulled away.

''Besides,'' He said, ''BigHit won't be able to take away my fame or money, I can start something new. I won't even be that difficult people already know my name, not only as an idol but also as a producer and rapper.''

''That's the spirit,'' You smiled at him, ''You know what? It might be too early for this but honestly, I don't care.''

You stood up from the couch and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a wine bottle from the fridge. with a loud pop, you popped the cork and poured a glass of wine for yourself. 

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