{71 Comforting her (Yoongi POV)

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71 comforting her

Yoongi POV

Bored, I tapped rhythmically with my fingers on the table, this must be the 6th meeting about the schedule for the upcoming tour. I hated schedule meetings, what was the point even if they were just going to send the schedule later. Besides staff was going to repeat them another bazillion times while on tour it was just a waste of your time. At least there was one plus these meetings were on a lower floor, so I was closer to her and her heartbeat had accompanied me the whole meeting. It felt so good to have a close, I was already dreading the moment I had to walk back up the stairs and her heartbeat would disappear. Ii just felt so calming, peaceful, like it belonged to be there.

The meeting continued for what seemed like forever, I didn't even know anymore what they were talking about so little had I been paying attention. They would send an email with all the important notes later anyway. Just when the meeting was coming to an end you felt something, Y/n her heart was beating faster with the second. I sat up straight in my chair and concentrated not on the meeting but her heartbeat. Something felt off, it wasn't just a fastened heartbeat from excitement or exercise, she was worried, stressed, scared even maybe. What was going on? Sneakily I pried my phone from my pocket and unlocked it, quietly I sent her a quick message asking what was going on. I stared at the screen waiting for her to reply but nothing happened. Sighing I put my phone back into my pocket, I shouldn't worry so much she is close by inside the BigHit building full with security there wasn't much that could happen here anyway. Still, I couldn't shake off the ominous feeling, I looked at my watch the meeting was supposed to be another half an hour. Maybe I should just check up on her afterward? No, No, I can't. What excuse could I possibly have to go down to the editor's floor?

I tried listening to the words that were being said but nothing else but her heartbeat in my chest was coming through. At this point it was beating so fast and loud I had to do a take around if no one was staring at me weirdly because surely they must hear it too. No one seemed to be paying attention to you though. This wasn't normal, I had never felt anything like this. Something was wrong... Again I got my phone from my pocket and sent her another message but she didn't respond. Why wasn't she responding? Uncomfortably I shifted in my chair, she was so close I could just, no... No.. I can't.

Namjoon had noticed me shifting restlessly in my chair and raised an eyebrow at me. I tried to hide how worried I was on the inside and forced myself to sit still, but it was slowly becoming impossible. Her heartbeat seemed to jump out of my chest at any moment. What was going on? Everything in me was yelling at me to go to her, but I couldn't. I just couldn't. My heart was going just as crazy as hers, it felt as if I was running a marathon while sitting in this meeting. I looked at my watch just 20 more minutes then the meeting was over. 20 more minutes was too much any second of this was too much. I couldn't take this anymore, abruptly I got up from my chair and all eyes suddenly were on me.

''I- I-,'' I stuttered, ''I have to go to the bathroom.''

It was a lame excuse and everyone knew that but I didn't wait for them to stop me and instead sped out the room. I didn't care anymore, this was just too much. I grabbed my chest with my hand and squeezed as if that was going to do anything. The walk to the stairs seemed to be longer than on other days and she seemed to be further away than ever. I wanted to do nothing else than to run down these stairs as fast as I could. With every step, her heart got stronger harder, faster and y body was screaming me to go faster but I forced myself to slow. As if I was walking down the stair-like any other day, I couldn't raise suspicion. Just when I turned the corner to the last set of stairs I heard a door bang on a floor below me, the editors floor, and hastened footsteps down the starts. With the sound her heartbeat made one more jump before slowly disappearing, it didn't slow down it just faded away. Until it was completely gone, for a second I was met with just silence before his emotions slammed into me like a bomb. I had to grab the railing to keep myself from falling down the stairs. Her emotion where all over the place, it didn't make any sense, but one thing was for sure something had gone terribly wrong. I didn't care anymore if anyone would find out about us and ran down the stairs as fast as I could.

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