Chapter fifteen

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Chapter fifteen:

The bell rings and Mr. Bernard frowns playfully. I had a good time studying French. I didn't know I had quite a lot of information about it. Unlike in other lectures, today Mr. Bernard was playful. Something good must've happened to him this morning.

I shove my books in my bag and start walking toward the exit and am about to leave when Mr. Bernard calls me.

"Can we talk, Ms. Night?" I turn around and walk toward him. He sits on his chair and looks up at me.

"You seem to have a lot of knowledge about French. Did you take any classes before?" He asks curiously while tapping the pad of his index finger on the desk.

"No, but my cousin enjoyed learning languages and french was his favourite. I didn't know I remembered it either," I say while brushing a hand through my hair, thinking about him.

"That's very nice. I'd like to meet him someday," he says and my eyes widen at his demand. I gulp and blink my eyes a few times.

", no. You can't meet him," I stutter and mentally facepalm myself for being such an open book. Mr. Bernard seems to notice my uneasiness and doesn't push it further.

"I'll see you around," he smiles and I tilt my head to see him. He begins to write something down and when I didn't leave, he says,

"Umm, Ms. Night? You need anything?" He asks, his french accent sounded hotter than ever. I flush when I realize that I've been staring at him.

"Ugh, yeah. I wanted to take extra school activities. Is there anyone who needs a tutor in French?" I blurt out. He nods understandably.

"Ah, I'm afraid you'll have to wait for a few weeks. I'll let you know if there's anyone," he tells me. I nod, trying to look casual to hide my embarrassment. I agree and quickly leave the classroom for my next lecture.

I can't believe I was swooning over a married teacher.


It's sharp at 5.54 p.m. when I sit on my seat at Kennedy's Café while waiting for Caleb to arrive. I surf on the internet about random things in order to pass my time. The waiter approaches me and asks what I would like, but I tell him that I'm waiting for someone.

It is 6.01 p.m. and Caleb isn't here yet.

"Um, excuse me?" A manly voice speaks. I look up to see Mr. Bernard looking at me. His eyes fill with amusement when he recognises me.

"Oh, Amber. Hello, there. Are you alone?" He asks. I shake my head.

"Actually, a friend of mine is coming, but you can accompany me until he comes," I say since I didn't want to turn him down.

He furrows his eyebrows. "Are you sure about that?" I nod. He smiles hesitantly but sits opposite to me anyway. I look around the cafeteria to see if there was an empty seat. That's the reason why he must have come here as none were vacant.

"So, what's keeping you busy these days?" He questions. I sigh audibly.

"My dad just came across an accident. I spend my day taking care of him and when mom arrives, I go back to studying or meeting friends. What about you, Mr. Bernard?"

He laughs. "Oh, please call me Jack when I'm not in school. Well, I spend my time reading all the time." Doesn't he have a wife or something? I thought he'd say something like,

"Oh, I go out with my wife at french café" Or, "I write debates on how this technology is harming our generation."

"Um, Amber. I don't hate phones," he laughs, quite loudly. I freeze. Did I just say it out loud?

"Yes, you did. You're an open book, Amber. If you wish to hide your secrets, you need to stop reacting immediately," he says in a monotone. This fascinates me.

"What are you trying to imply?" I fold my arms over my chest and lean back, anticipating his reply. He leans forward.

"It's simple. Today when I asked you about your cousin, you stuttered which means that you probably lied or tried to push his thoughts away."

I start fidgeting with the hem of my blue hoodie. He is correct. I do show my emotions instantly. I need to stop doing this.

"You're nervous." Jack looks into my eyes. "I have a way to help you out. Meet me tomorrow after school."

I nod and suddenly feel a strong gaze on me. I instantaneously snap my head toward the entrance. Caleb is glaring at both of us. His eyes meet mine. He holds his gaze for a minute or two, before rushing out of the café.

Wait, did he just think I was flirting or something with Jack? I turn toward Jack and tell him I'll talk to him later, and rush out of the café to follow Caleb. I see him stomping away.

"Caleb! Wait!" I run. He stops and turns around when I reach to him. He narrows his eyes at me. Taking a deep breath, he says,

"If you already had a school teacher to spend time with, why did to agree to come with me?" He asks grimly.

"Caleb, no! It's not what you think. There was no seat available so, he sat with me. Besides, Jack is married. Why will I choose a committed person?"

"Jack? Look, how close you've got. You're calling him by his name. And what does he call you- Amber or some kinky name like a princess," he yells at him. A flash of hurt spreads all over me. Does he think this low of me?

"How could you say that? I would never do anything as such." My lips quiver.

"This is what happens when you begin to care 'cause once you care, you're fucked up. I don't wish to get any close to you, Amber. Stay away from me," he orders and begins to stride in the opposite direction.

"Fine, then, Caleb! And don't even think for a second that I'm some kind of insecure girl who will cry over a boy who misunderstood her when she was clearly being assisted by a married teacher!" I scream. "How low of you to directly put down to a cheap level when you're the insecure one who pushes people away!" My voice cracks but he doesn't turn around. With tearful eyes, I yell once again.

"Go ahead and walk away from me, Caleb, but I'm not coming to you first!"

(Ah, drama)

(Ah, drama)

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