Chapter 19

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Y/n's POV

I ran the entire way back. My poor legs! I walked back inside my house. When did I fix my door? Eh, who cares, at least I got my door back. I opened it and placed everything on the table.

"Hey Y/n", I saw Ben floating inside the kitchen.

"Hey Benny Boo, I got your chips", I tossed him a bag. He caught it.

"Benny Boo?",

"Yeah, it suits you, you're so short", I said while making a small hand motion. He scoffed and put his hand on his chest.

"How dare you!", I got Doggo out of the carrier and put him on the floor.

"Hey, stop complaining, now where the fuck are the twinkies", I put some stuff away while trying to find the twinkies.

"What else you buy?", he looked over my shoulder while still floating.

"Where are the flipping twinkies!?", I grabbed a chair and threw it out the kitchen. I heard someone groan in pain.

"And you blame us for everything broken here", I looked at the doorway and saw someone crouching.

"Who the fuck is you!?", Ben turned around and opened the bag of chips.

"Oh don't worry, that's just Masky",


"He came over to fix the bike",

"Oh yeah! Thanks",

"You hit me with the fucking chair!",

"Oh, want some frozen peas for that",

"What!? No!", he walked into the kitchen and opened my fridge. He grabbed some ice and put it inside a bag. He put it on his head and sat down on a stool. I shrugged and found the twinkies.

"Sweet! Want a twinkie?", I held it out to him. He scoffed but took it anyways. I smirked and opened one.

"How you feeling anyways?",

"I don't even know anymore, I guess I'm alright",

"I know how to know that you're ok",

"How?", Ben got up, floated towards me and smacked me on the head. "Ow! What the fuck!?",

"Now tell me, did that hurt?", he smirked while I glared at him.

"What the fuck do you think!",

"Interesting, seems like you're ok", he smiled with his eyes closed. I took Masky's ice pack and slapped Ben with it, then I gave it back. "Ow!",

"Now tell me, did that hurt?", I smirked at him. He glared at me and sat back down.

"Now I see how you guys became friends",

"So, you fixed my bike",


"How'd you fix you it so fast?",

"I have my ways, Ben I'm ready to go back", Ben sighed.


"Wait!", he stopped and looked at me.

"What?", he sounded irritated. He seems so familiar. Oh yeah!

"You were the guy I punched! Haha, that was fucking hilarious", I could feel him glaring at me.

"Oh Y/n, I think you also have to come with us",


"Cause slender has a mission for you",

"When the fuck did I sign up to be someone's bitch!?",

"Since you accepted to help us in the war",

"Oh", well that sucks. "Fine", all three of us walked towards my TV. "Wait!",

"What?", I ran around for a little. Where? Oh there! I found Doggo pooping on the carpet.

"Dang it Doggo! Not the carpet!", I let him finish and then I picked him up. I walked back towards the TV. "Ok, let's go!", I closed mine and Doggo's eyes. It's pretty bright in here. I put my mask on while I was in there. I almost forgot about it. Finally we landed in the living room.

"Why are they back here!",

"Missed ya to buddy!", I winked at Hoodie but of course, he couldn't see it.

"He's just here to talk to Slender", I could feel Hoodie glaring at me. I grabbed Ben and walked out the living room.

"Take me to your leader", he shrugged and started leading the way. Damn! Why's this place like a fucking maze!? We went up two flight of stairs!

"Are we there yet?",


"Are we there yet?",


"Are we there yet?",


"Are we there yet?",






"Cool", he sighed and knocked on the door. I heard a faint 'come in'. He opened the door and pushed me in.

"He's your problem now!", then he slammed the door shut. I looked up at Slendy.

"Hello child",

"Hey there Slendy!", he sighed.

"Please have a seat", I sat down in a chair in front of him and laid my head on Doggo's.

"What's this 'mission' Ben was talking about?", I said while playing with Doggo's ears.

"Yes, there seems to be someone in the town that has been getting to much information on us",


"I'd like you to find them and bring them to me alive",

"Eh, seems easy",

"One thing though, I will send someone to go with you",

"Wait, why do I have to get babysat?",

"Because I still don't know If we can trust you",

"Fair enough, I want something for you to do", I could feel him staring darkly into my soul.

"That is?", I held Doggo towards him.

"Take care of Doggo for me, will ya?", Doggo barked and wagged his tail.

"Why me?",

"Because I still don't know if I can trust you", I smirked at him behind my mask. He seem to just stare at me. I guess he's thinking.

"I'll get Jack to take ca-",

"Nope! You take care of him", I hugged Doggo.

"You said you couldn't trust me, why trust me with your little companion?",

"Cause you're the leader, how else am I gonna trust you specifically, if I don't try to", he sighed once more. He got up out of his seat and walked towards me. I handed him Doggo and watched him. Wow, that looks so awkward. He put Doggo at his 'eye' level. Doggo barked and licked his blank face. "Aww, Doggo likes you, you can only get my trust if my dog trusts you too, that's why I made you take care of him",

"I see... I'll send Lj with you...", he kept staring at Doggo. He gave me a file and sat back with Doggo on the desk.

"Ok! You and Doggo have fun, I'll go find Lj!",

"Don't fail me child",

"Don't fail me either, oh and um, careful cause Doggo likes to pee a lot", I saw him take Doggo off the desk. I laughed and left the room. I started walking towards where I remember the stairs being at. Wait!

Who the fuck is Lj?

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