Chapter 31

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Y/n's pov

For the past few days LJ, Jason and Candy Pop have been coming over trying to find a way to get me out of here. Hunter does leave quite a lot so we'll be fine.

"Hey Y/n!", I turned around and saw them coming through Jason's weird blue door.

"Hey guys, what are we doing today?",

"Today we are gonna use my dead children to try to get it off", I saw three random dead kids come through the door. I smiled and waved at them.

"Didn't know you were a dad. How many girls did you fuck?",

"I did not do any of that!!",

"Oh, ew, you're a pedo?",

"What!? No!!", I could hear Jason and Candy just laughing in the back. "Whatever, we need to try, Slender is getting mad that you're not back yet",

"Aww, he cares for me",

"More like he needs help to fight off Zalgo",

"I could hurt Zalgo's self esteem",

"You seriously want to bully the enemy out of the battle", I shrugged.

"Why not?",

"It just sounds so unrealistic!!!", I crossed my arms.

"Really? Let's make a bet then",

"No bets! You always seem to win every bet you make!", I smirked and pulled Doggo into a hug.

"So you've noticed",

"Yeah, Jeff, Ben and Red told us about the bets you've made with them", I nodded. Suddenly, we heard footsteps coming towards the door. All of them went to hide. The door slammed open to reveal Zalgo. He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Is there an issue sir?",

"YeS, tHEre Is! WHo aRe yOU TalKIng ToO!?", shit! He's catching on. I immediately thought of something. I pointed at my head.

"I'm talking to the random voices in my head", he gave me a confused look.

"ARe seRIoSly tHAt wEaK mINdeD!?",

"If you're talking to me about being weak minded!! Then you should talk to yourself about your weak ass potatoed mind!!",

"PoTAtoeD!?", I threw myself on the bed with Doggo.

"Take it as compliment, potatoes are good", he scoffed. Hunter came out of no where. He had his head peaked in and an arm holding a bag.

"Y/n! I got us snacks! Let's watch movies today!!", he sat down on the bed while smiling. Zalgo growled and left while slamming the door shut.

"You're here a lot earlier than usual, Hunter", he nodded happily while pulling stuff out.

"Yeah! I wanted us to hang out since I'm usually always gone!", he suddenly smirked. "I don't want you going crazy on me. I'd hate it if you're talking to someone who isn't actually here", then he smiled and held a spoon of ice cream to my mouth. Damnit Hunter! We could've found a way to get me out!

"Thanks...", I ate the ice cream. He smiled and kissed my head. He got off the bed to get the remote. I saw one of the dead children coming towards me. Just as it was about to grab the collar, a gunshot was heard and it's head splattered on the wall. I looked at Hunter with a bored expression. He was smiling and held up the remote, a gun in the other hand.

"A bug was near you, I didn't want it to disturb you", he said while smiling warmly at me. I guess he doesn't know I could see it. From the corner of my eye I could see Jason, LJ and Candy staring at Hunter. I guess Hunter can't see them. Hunter aimed his gun and shot behind him.

"Why'd you shoot that one?", he chuckled and jump on the bed. He pat my head.

"Just another bug, there's so much of them. I'll check the room for more when we go to sleep", I looked at where he shot. I saw the other two with their heads shot.

"Ok...", I looked at the TV waiting for him to choose a movie. I started to rub my eyes. That's the signal for LJ, Jason and Candy to leave. Doggo jumped off me and started to scratch at the door.

"Looks like he wants to go, we'll be right back", he put a leash on Doggo and opened the door. They both left. I sighed a breath of relief and threw myself on the bed. I looked at the dead children get up. LJ came back.

"Well, he's good at getting head shots, don't you think? Hehe",

"He really is, hurry up and try it", I sighed. I saw one of the kids grab it. The collar didn't react. Me and LJ looked at each other wide eyed. The kid started to claw on the collar. We started to hear running. The kids immediately ran to their spots and LJ poofed away. Hunter slammed the door open.

"We have to go Y/n!",

"What!?", he grabbed my arm and dragged me out. At least I have my shoes on. I saw Hunter was holding Doggo. "What's going on!?", he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a remote. He pressed a button and then the collar fell off.

Next thing I knew my wrist was handcuffed to his. What the hell!?

"What is going on Hunter!?",

"Well, the place I was keeping you at was a facility where drugs are made at",

"Why the fuck does Zalgo need a place like this!?",

"The more people that die or make contracts with him, the more souls he gets, the more souls he gets the stronger he is",

"Ok, but what's going on!?", we got inside a car. I put my seat belt on just in case. He started the car.

"Police found this place so, it's not safe to keep you here anymore", Doggo jumped on my lap. I hugged him with my arm that wasn't cuffed. We immediately started to go fast. I saw some garage like doors going up. Once we were closer, I saw police aiming at the cars. Hunter rammed through the police cars and some cops.

Why do I always have to get involved with the police in some way!? Wait a second! I looking at Hunter.

"Are you a fucking drug lord!?", he nervously laughed.

"Sometimes, I usually just kill the people who haven't paid us though and bring the souls to Zalgo",

"Why the fuck is he so fucking lazy to get his own souls!?",

"I'm RigHT hERe yOu kNOw?", I looked in the back seat.

"Why are you here!?", he chuckled a bit and leaned his head on his hand.

"To KEep mY PRoxY alIVe Of cOurSE!", he said proudly.

"What about your drugs you druggie?", he leaned back in the seat and laid his arms on the top of the seat.

"We cOUld AlWAys fiND oTheRS. BesIDes, if Any OnE of THosE pEOplE aRE KilLED i gEt tHEir sOulS", he held up his hand. In his palms were these weird looking orbs. He smirked and just ate them. I gave him an unimpressed look.

"That's stupid. Not impressed", I heard him gasp. I just looked back to the road.

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