15. A good start is half the work.

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The living room was empty and Conner walked on to the bedroom which he entered without knocking.

"We need to talk," he told Jason, who eyed him from his bed.

"Talking only causes more problems," Jason shook his head. "I think it would be better to leave each other alone."

"I don't mean to hurt you, but I can't possibly leave you alone."

Conner looked at Jason who snorted.

"Okay. I'm listening."

"Oh," Conner said clearly surprised. "I didn't count on that." Under Jason's leering gaze, he moved back and forth uncomfortably. "Actually, I don't have much to add to the excuses I've already made," he muttered.

Crestfallen, Jason shook his head back and forth. "Really. What am I supposed to start with you?", he sighed. Purely on feeling he stepped towards Conner, let a hand slide in his neck and pressed a kiss on his lips. Frozen to the ground Conner let it happen. "That's a make-up kiss," Jason said softly. Licking his lower lip, he took a step back. "Now you have a good reference point for next time."

"What do I get if you're the one who has to apologize?", Conner asked.

"Me?", Jason responded with astonishment. "What have I done to make my apologies?"

Conner raised his eyebrows. "You've arranged an outing for my boys without my permission. With someone I don't know. With the transport of unknown safety, status and origin," he summed up.

Jason swallowed hard. Conner's eyes were strict and his attitude was authoritarian. He found it very exciting. He quickly turned his gaze downward. "Yes," he agreed. "If you put it that way, I indeed owe you. Say what you want."

Conner rubbed his chin thinking. "Hm. How about a massage?"

"No, I don't think that's a good idea," Jason shook right away.

"Why not?"

"Because it's hard enough for me to stay away from you," he said honestly.

Conner laughed at him.

"That's not funny at all," he said indignantly.

"Should I worry when I lie unconscious next to you?", Conner chuckled.

Jason snorted annoyed.

"Please," he huffed. "Besides being a trained Marine and able to take care of yourself, Karen would show me all the corners of the room if I took advantage of you," he added dryly. "But that's doesn't mean you have to make the situation worse. Ask me something else as an excuse," he commanded.

"PlayStation. Sniper game," Conner said immediately.

"Sweet Jesus, really?" he gasped with disgust.

"And that makes it perfect," Conner said, satisfied.

Thus their delicate balance was restored.

The rest of the evening was spent on the couch with a Sniper game where Jason tried with growing fanaticism but without a chance to beat Conner. Together they walked to the bedroom.

"I want to inspect that bus before we pick up the kids," Conner said toeing of his shoes.

"I'll send Alex a message to ask if this is possible." Jason grabbed his phone. Sitting on the bed, he sent the message. Almost immediately, he got an answer. "No problem," he read aloud. "What time?"

"Ten o'clock?", Conner estimated pulling his shirt over his head.

"Alex agrees. He sent the address."

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