37. "Oh, shit. Haters!"

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Patrick introduced Jason, to the few who asked, as Duncan's brother-in-law. Sitting in a corner stall, he looked around the bar. There were several benches just like where he was sitting with a view of a big screen. On either side stood loose tables with chairs and behind them was a spacious bar with bar stools.

Conner looked in amazement at the place where his father sat down. Most of the time, they watched the game at the bar. "Everyone a beer?" he asked after Phil the bartender beckoned him. "Your company called to say they ran a little late," the man told him. Frowning, he walked back with three glasses. "Do you expect more people?" he asked his father.

"A few," he nodded.

"They called to say they're running a little late." He slid next to Jason. When his father remained silent, he added: "Who's coming?"

"A few acquaintances," Patrick said vaguely.

Jason saw the irritation on Conner's face at this meaningless answer. "Do you come here often?" he asked in an attempt to distract him.

"Yes," Conner nodded. "We usually sit at the bar."

"You don't know who your father invited," he stated when he noticed Conner wasn't relaxing.

"No clue," Conner shook his head.

"Don't worry so much," Jason told him. "I'm sure it's going to be okay."

The second inning had just started when a group of five came in. Patrick got up with a smile. "There they are."

"Jason, may I introduce you to my colleagues and their spouses. Mark and Suzanna, Hendrik and Allen and his brother, Keith."

Jason kindly shook hands with them.

"Conner, slide up so Keith can sit next to Jason," his father said unsubtly.

The interest Keith showed towards Jason and his father's enthusiastic response to this made it abundantly clear to Conner that this was arranged. By his father of all people! Jason didn't seem to care about it and was in a cheerful mood. His already grim mood deteriorated to a low point during the fifth inning.

The Cubs loaded the bases and with two outs everyone was focused on the screen. Everyone except Conner who watched Keith put an arm around Jason and pulled him closer. Kris Bryant, the rookie  third baseman, got to work. He already had two grand slams to his name. The stadium and also the bar buzzed with expectation.

Patrick saw from his corners of the eye how Conner was eating himself up. He trampled on his promise of no interference with both feet by setting it up, but if it worked it was worth it. Conner looked like he was trying to tear Keith apart with his bare hands. Patrick also regularly looked at Jason, who did not repel Keith's rapprochement, but also did not encourage it. It looked like he was waiting for something. A look at Conner gave him his answer. Jason was waiting for a response from Conner. Patrick laughed wryly. They were in a deadlock. What would it take to break this?

Under loud booing, Kris Bryant hit a ball in the air. It was an easy out and the inning ended in bitter disappointment. The score was now 5-2 for the Dodgers.

Patrick deliberately looked around. Disappointment always had its side effect and he scanned the room for signs of unrest. Some newcomers in the back caught his gaze. There was something about this group of five that he didn't like. Maybe because they didn't really follow the game, but showed more interest in Jason walking to the toilets with Hendrik.

Jason wasn't aware of anything.

"It's really incredible how much Patrick has changed," Hendrik said. "According to Allen, he was one of the hardest nuts to crack at the station."

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