22. Experiment.

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Jason staggered from the bedroom to the kitchen where Conner greeted him cheerfully. "Good afternoon. How do you feel?"

Blowing out, he slid on a dining chair. "The hangover is not so bad, thanks to the water and the painkiller, but everything hurts because of the fall." Jason had inspected himself in the mirror and was pretty startled. The spots were even visible with a shirt on. "Thank you for taking care of me," he told Conner, who was shoving a plate of scrambled eggs and toast to him.

"Pure self-interest," Conner waved away.

"Why?", asked Jason digging into his toast.

"Because you have to explain to Karen and Duncan that I didn't hurt you like that."

"Scared?", Jason said.

"Especially of Karen," Conner admitted. Actually, he was in a supreme mood. For hours, he had been debating a plausible reason to kiss Jason without arousing suspicion or expose his underlying reasoning. Ten minutes ago, the answer to his prayers was answered.

"Speaking of angry women. Tanja sent me a message in which she chewed me out for the way I reacted yesterday. Wait," he said. "I'll read it to you." He took his phone in hand and picked up the message. "I don't see myself in a relationship with someone who freaks out when he sees two men kissing. As long as that doesn't change, you don't have to call me."

Jason looked at him mockingly. "Do you call that chewed out?" Silently, Conner kept the phone in front of him. With raised eyebrows, he read the whole message. "Chewed out. I get it," he said in the affirmative. "Sounds serious."

"Hm," Conner agreed. "That's how I see it." He leaned with two hands on the dining room table and let his eyes slide over Jason who ate tasty of his scrambled eggs. "Do you have suggestions for me to make it right?"

Jason nonchalantly shrugged. "Flowers and getting on your knees praying for forgiveness usually works well."

Conner cleared his throat. "Then I would like to start offering my apologies to you. Sorry for my ill-considered and hurtful comments."

Jason looked him speechless.

"I hope you're willing to help me win back Tanja," he eagerly added.

"Me?", asked Jason surprised. "How can I help you with this?"

Conner pulled his most gullible face. "You're the only gay person I know that makes me feel comfortable enough to be myself. I'm willing to take on all the help you want to give." Humbly he bowed his head as he waited with beating heart for an answer.

"Does Tanja mean so much to you?"

Conner raised his head and looked at him. "She's worth it to me, just like you."

The intensity of Conner's words brought a blush to Jason's cheeks. "You're really serious."

Conner nodded. "You helped me at times when I showed you no respect. Let me try to make up for that." The words rolled off his tongue. He was somewhat surprised that he meant it, too. Expectantly, he looked at Jason. A painful grimace swept over his face as he shifted to his chair. Conner saw an opportunity and took it. "Let me start with a massage."

"Okay," Jason hesitantly admitted. "We'll see where that leads." The skillful hands worked wonders for his sore muscles. Stretched out, he lay unabashedly moaning on Conner's bed. "Your hands feel wonderful," he sighed with satisfaction.

"Yes, I can hear that," it sounded dry next to him.

"I'm pretty verbal in expressing my pleasure," Jason smirked. "You will notice that in the duration of our experiment." He looked aside. "How long did you actually have in mind?"

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