Chapter 24

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The next morning when I woke up, I felt drained front the amount of crying I had done. My cheeks didn't sting much. I quickly took a shower and went downstairs to eat breakfast when I heard mom and dad talking.

"They shouldn't have done that to her", mom said.

"I know right"

"I know how much of a  hardworking person she is and I know of all the things her mother has done to her", I knew they were talking about me.

Just as dad opened his mouth to say something, I entered the dining room which shuts them both up. They both look guiltily at the plates and an uncomfortable silence engulfs us as I walk towards them and sit on the dining table. My hands are trembling as I think of last night but I focus on eating my aloo paratha. When the silence becomes a little too overbearing and I heard mom sigh for the 6th time since I sat on the table, I look up at them with a small smile on my face and say the one thing I wanted to since I overheard them talking. 

"Urmmm... I'm sorry if it sounds rude to you both but don't talk about my family like that, I know what they did was bad but please", I plead them and m smiles and nodded her head.

After eating breakfast, I do the first thing I decided to do today. I know it won't be easy but I'm gonna try my luck and do that.


When I return home, I feel like my knees will buckle under me anytime and I just jump on the bed and lie down. What an exhausting day it was. Now tomorrow, I'm gonna go meet and do the thing I've been wanting to do for a long time now.

I even have to pack for my honeymoon but I honestly don't know the destination and so Sonia and mom insisted that they pack my bag, which I gladly agreed. What's gonna happen anyways?

After eating dinner with the whole family, I quickly came inside the room and slept. I know tomorrow is going to be a long day.


After getting ready, I quickly made my way towards my destination. Today I wore his favourite colour.

I didn't wear it inorder to impress him or anything, but today I just felt like wearing it

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I didn't wear it inorder to impress him or anything, but today I just felt like wearing it. I mean I looked beautiful.

I sat there patiently clutching the letter in my hand as I waited for my appointment. Today I didn't come as an employee over here. Today I came as a normal human being. As his assistant called me inside, his back was turned to me when I had entered the room. His assistant left leaving us alone in the room.


"How can I gain your forgiveness?"

"Excuse me?"

Arranged Marriage to HIMWhere stories live. Discover now