Chapter 25

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Sanjay's P.O.V.

I honestly don't know how to feel right now. I feel really blessed to have her as my sister. When we had reached my car, she had denied sitting in the car. I know why she did that. I remember that day when mom had insulted her. I don't know why I never spoke up to her. My mom had always been rude to her.

I wasn't really good either. I mean I was a bad brother. More like the worst brother. When Yash returned yesterday. Yes she came back. She claimed I should be happy that I have a sister like Tanu. I was pissed initially but when she told me that it was Tanu who had convinced her to come back I was speechless. Yash I still angry with me. She has every right to be angry. Tanu never even once mentioned the slap to Yash, but Yash knew that she had been slapped because of the bruise I guess. I felt so bad. I felt the guilt eat me.

Today when Tanu told me everything, I felt even more guilty. How much of an asshole could I be? I was seriously the worst brother anybody could every get. When she spoke about what had happened during her university days, like how she was forced to come to India and how she was humiliated by my cousin, I felt angry. If it wasn't for Arjun, I would have never actually seen my cameras and seen how she would be humiliated daily.

As for mom, I don't know why but she has disliked Tanu since before the incident as well.

I'm just happy Arjun found Tanu and they are married. Right now, Tanu and I are going to her office. I felt really very happy to find out that my sister had a company of her own. I always knew she felt bad whenever mom would boast about me on family dinners. That was one of the reason Tanu never really sat with us while we ate. She would mostly be in her room. I know I screwed up bad and I'm going to do everything in my will to make her feel better now.

"So what exactly is this company about?", I asked her. Her face immediately turns bright.

"Do you remember the company who gave you advice a month ago, regarding-"

"Regarding my new project, yes I know, what about it?" I asked and looking at her smile, it clicked me.

"Don't tell me! Is that company... Is that company yours?"

"Yes, it's my company, I own a business analytics firm that gives advices to business regarding various matters", she says proudly.

I fell so happy for her, she had always wanted to start a business analytics firm. Since she was 16. Even though we didn't speak much, I would still pay attention to her. As we reached the building, we park it and make our way towards the office.

"Also, don't be shocked, I have a majority of females working for me, but you shouldn't judge me either, they're just some survivors of acid attacks or rapes or widows, I'm just basically trying to help them in return of them giving me good service which I assure you these women do", I tell him.

"Always the kind person, I see", I tell her. I also know how much money she has spent on those kids on the roads, just to see them smile.

"Anything to see a smile on their face brother", she tells me.

Tanvi's P.O.V.

"Good morning miss",my employees says as they look questioningly at my brother.

"So guys, as you rightly know this guy over here is my brother...", and I tell them about how my brother wanted to see my company and other stuff like that. In my company, we stay like a family, so we're quite close.

I show him around the company and when we're done, we move to my office where he takes in the surroundings and zeroes his eyes on the frames on my workspace. I have two frames. One is with him, the same one that was in his company when I worked as a full time employee. The other is with my husband. He is staring at me as if I'm the only person in the world and I'm laughing my ass of at some joke he had cracked. It was a perfect shot. We looked adorable in that picture.

"I remember that day, you were really angry at me for pulling those pigtails", he says and I let out a small chuckle.

"Of course I was", and we speak for some time before it gets too late and he insists on dropping me to my house.

"Congratulations", I tell him as we are stuck in the traffic. He raises his eyebrows.

"You're gonna be a father", I elaborate and see a faint blush appearing on his cheeks. I let out a laugh as I see my brother flustered.

"Are you... flustered?", I asked while stiffling my laugh.

"Shut up", he grumbled before saying brightly,"yeah, I'm going to be a father".

"I'm happy for you both", I say honestly as we reach my house.

My house. It sounds weird but nice.

Once I'm out of the car, Sanjay hugs me once again mumbling sorry all over again and I just pat his back and say it's ok. It really was ok, even though I don't expect everything to be back to as it used to be, I knew with time we could be much better. 

"I really missed you Tanu", he said with a heavy tone.

"I missed you to brother but it's good to be back", I said before saying goodbye to him and watched as his car went off. 

I came inside the house and found out that mom and dad were out, Roshan and Sonia had gone out as well and Natasha was at her friends' house having a sleepover. So that left Arjun and me to ourselves. Well more like me to myself cause Arjun wasn't home yet.

I quickly took a shower and changed into something comfortable before going to the living room and ordered food for us. I was in no mood to cook today. So I ordered pizza. As I went through all the movies on the T.V. I heard the door open and in walked a tired looking Arjun. He went straight to our room and then came out looking somewhat fresh in his casuals. He walked over to me and immediately lied down with his head in my lap. I started playing with his hair and then when I turned to look in his eyes, I found him already staring at me. I took that as my cue and removed me hands from his hair.

He took hold of my hands and placed them on his head once again.

"I didn't tell you to stop", he said making me smile and I continued playing with his hair. He made himself comfortable as he wrapped his arms around my waist and sighed while I played with his hair. He turned a little so his face was against my stomach, tickling me a little. Just then the doorbell rang and I quickly made my way to the door and paid the guy before making my way to the couch and settling on it with the box and handing one to my husband.

I blush a little as I call him that in my mind. We eat with the music from T.v playing in the background. After we're done, I make a move to take his empty box but with a jerk I'm pushed behind and he hovers over me.

There you go guys!

I thank everyone for supporting me so much. I love you guys a lot.
I want a doggo❤️😭

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