Chapter 29

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After eating dinner, I held his hand in mine and we both strolled to the beach near our resort. It was a full moon night. There were few couples here and there. I sat down, not bothered that I wore a white dress and pulled him down as well and we sat there in comfortable silence.

I put my head on his shoulder and sighed.

"You know, I really missed you", I said truthfully. He didn't reply but I knew he was listening.

"I'm sorry for leaving you like that", I said.

"There's nothing to be sorry about and honestly, it's ok", he said looking in my eyes.

"What happened to you suddenly?"

"Nothing, it's just that some thought crossed my mind and has been nagging me"

"What is it?"

"Nothing, it's just stupid, forget it"

"It wouldn't be stupid if it was nagging you for a long time, long enough to keep you quiet all evening"

"It's just... Ok so I'm gonna be honest please don't judge me"

"I won't"

"This whole day, I see you've been cheerful and enjoying, I mean not that I mind but are you really happy?"

"Oh god! Seriously-"

"Hey! You said you won't judge me!"

"I'm not judging you and for you answer, yes, I'm really happy, have been since my marriage and thank you for making my life so much better", I said truthfully before wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him.

"Why did you say that when I had asked you why you had left me?"

I knew what he was referring to. He was referring to the day when we had first met after four years and he had asked me why I had left. I had told him that I didn't love him anymore. I don't reply and I feel guilty for not reply but he doesn't let it bother him and asks another question.

"Did you ever date anyone when..."

"No! I-I... I just", I couldn't say anything cause I couldn't form a proper sentence. Why you ask? I don't know. I keep quiet after that, staring at the sky above us.

"Let's go!", Arjun then said standing up before pulling me to my feet. I yawned and then stretched a little which caused my one piece to inch up a little and show my sexy body! I could see his jaw clench and his eyes harden. I just walked casually and he trailed behind.


I screamed as I pulled my hair. God! Sonia, you bum! I'll kill you once I come there.

You must be thinking what's happening. Well, when I returned and wanted to change into something comfortable, my pyjamas, I found out that my dear mother-in-law and Sonia have packed pyjamas that were all together on a different level. They were lacy and too revealing. I mean I understand Sonia packing it but mom! Oh god!

"What happened?"

I quickly shoved the revealing pyjamas inside the bag and just said,

"Well, t-the thing is that Sonia and mom packed some different kind of pyjamas for me, so...", I was stuttering because I didn't want to show him what they had packed for me and didn't know what I'll do now that I have nothing comfortable to sleep in. He just sighed before making a move to remove his shirt.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! What the hell?"

"Well, if you can't see, I'm just being the gentleman I am and offering you my shirt, if you don't want it it's ok, you can sleep with those sexy pyjamas on as well, I won't mind", he said with a smirk.

I quickly snatched the shirt from him as my cheeks burned red and shoved him out of the room and quickly wore the shirt but what about my bottoms. After contemplating on whether or not to wear the shorts, I finally chose to wear. It's better than not wearing shorts and only sleeping in panties with a grown up man.

That grown up man is your husband! My subconscious interjected but I couldn't care less. I folded the shirt a little because the sleeves were big and went straight to the bed and pulled the blanket over me. Luckily, he wasn't there to see me in shorts.

I quickly lied down and closed my eyes. After some time, I felt the bed dip and I acted as if I was sleeping. His arms found their way on my waist and turned me around so that I was facing him. I could smell his minty breath indicating that he was very close. One of his hand trailed from my waist to my arm to my face and tucked strands of hair behind my ear. The pad of his thumb caressed my cheekbone as his other hand rested on my back.

I go back to the time when we used to spend time four years ago. We wouldn't we as intimate as we are right now. Because we knew our limit, if that's what you call it. It was just normally holding hands, hugging each other or once in a blue moon kissing my cheeks.

I felt his lips on my forehead. I had to control the blush that colored my cheeks. Gosh!

"I want to say something to you but see as though you're acting to be asleep, I wouldn't say anything, it'll ruin the fun", he said and my eyes immediately shot open to find him smiling goofily.

"Wh- how?"

"Because even though you claim that I have no effect on you, your heart doesn't lie, wifey. It speeds up and you breathing becomes uneven whenever I'm near", he said and I looked everywhere else but him. This is embarrassing! Truly embarrassing! I was too busy feeling embarrassed that I didn't even notice his other hand on my back move down until I held it and moved away from him. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"That's what you get for testing me!", I said and started laughing.

Hi people. Happy Holi!

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Ok, so I wanted to inform you all that the author, that is me, in no way had experienced any of the mushy mushy (lovey dovey) stuffthat I write in the book. I take inspiration from other books and write it.

Any questions you all want to ask me??

Anyways, guess who reached over 2k votes? I'm so happy to say that I've reached over 2k votes and more than 37k reads. Thank you guys so much.

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A dose of cuteness for you all:

A dose of cuteness for you all:

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