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  I watched silently as my girlfriend was fighting an easy villains, and tying him up. I was about to congratulate her when, (hero name) showed up. I stopped in my tracks and looked at the laugh and talk. I could feel myself getting insecure, I started to compare myself to him. He had more muscles then me, he wasn't as lazy as I could be, he seemed to make her laugh more, he was handsomer then me, and I feel into a pit of my insercuites. I flew away from the science silently and helped with other villains to get my mind off of it.

  (Y/N) POV

  Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Hawk flew again, it made me slightly sad. Was he avoiding me? But I set it aside as him being busy, going back to talking to (hero name).

  "So um... (Your Hero Name) I was wondering. You wanna grab coffee sometime?" He asked bravely, fully knowing I was in a public relationship.

  "No sorry, I'm just not interested. I got to go, you know work!" I said and quickly ran away, was Hawks... jealous? I was so preoccupied by Hawks flying away that I just sort of sat in the agency all day. When I was finally let out to go home, I looked around for Hawks first, wondering if he was still on partol. And when I couldn't find him I went home.

  He wasn't at home either, and so I got dressed for bed. Sitting in the couch I grabbed a nice book and waited for him. It was 2:30 am when he came back home, I jumped up and ran to hug him at the door. He oddly didn't hug back, and just made me more sad. I pulled away to comfort him and see what was bothering him.

  "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked softly cupping his cheek, he grabbed my hand gently.

  "I don't deserve you." He muttered out tears starting to form and his eyes reddened. My soul broke a little, he was insecure from (hero name).

  "No, no, no. If anything it's the opposite way around. Your so amazing, funny, smart, you always know how to make me laugh, and the way you comfort me by making you world famous pancakes." We both airly chuckled.

  "But wouldn't you rather have somebody like (hero name), with big muscles and is strong. Not to mention everybody likes him."

  "He's not my type, you are! I don't like somebody with so much muscle that it makes their head the size of a walnut. I... I love you. For you okay."

  I said it, the 3 unspoken words in the relationship. His tears stopped in there tracks and he let go of my hand. Which went to wipe them away. He pulled me back into a tight hug and buried his head into my shoulder.

  "Do you mean it?" I nodded and let his soft hair calmly.

  "I love you too, and sorry being being such an idiot." He pulled away and brought me into a happy kiss.

  "It's okay, your my idiot forever."

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