DAY II.1: what are those

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I slept in the next day but my cat Meo forced me out of bed. I was planning on spending the day in my flat to preserve my energy for the night.

Two shows in a row were the norm for the Hunted Hall. Artists did not choose it for the commercial benefits but for the atmosphere the small but always energetic crowd created. The sound quality was a factor too. The venue had the reputation of an insider tip for artists and fans alike.

My connection to Jäger was something I was grateful for as well as the internship but I was not sure if this work was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
Figuring out what felt true to me was a question I had put off for years. Putting it off another day could not hurt.

To clear my mind I went for a run with the music pumping through my headphones close to the pain threshold.

The rest of the morning was spend on the couch with my laptop. I went through some of the footage for the YouTube video. I was not even close to finishing a rough first edit when I had to get ready to leave for the show.

Among the footage had been Billie's interview from yesterday. I felt as if we had gotten along quite well after the awkward initial meeting. She had made me talk more freely about myself than I had in months.
Going over the footage also confused me. It confused me because it made me anticipate seeing her again.

I just had to ignore how attracted I was to her and would get along. It could not be that hard.

The streets of London were busy on this Saturday afternoon and I split lanes to cut through the traffic. When I rolled up to the Hunted Hall it was even earlier that planed.
I had a meeting with my colleagues and my boss Richard, the facility manager. Afterwards I did my usual walk around to see if everything was prepared. There was no need for a sound check today because everything was set up from the first show.

While I was walking around back stage I came across Finneas. He was here much earlier than necessary.
I was about to pass him when he stopped me.

"Aren't you Mara Jäger from sound check yesterday?"

I had not expected him to remember me. "I am, nice to see you again."

"You know, my sister told me what happened yesterday and-"

"How is she?" I intervened. "I'm so sorry she had to go through that."

"She's ok now but it must've been pretty scary."

"It was. I can't apologize enough."

"It wasn't your fault," Finneas reassured. "Wrong place, wrong time, you know? I wanted to thank you actually, for being there for her."

"Of course. I was freaked out too. Everybody would have done the same."

"I'm still glad it was you. I think it helped."

I wanted to reply something but Christopher called my name from the stage. "Sorry, that's my colleague. I've gotta go."

Finneas nodded. "Before I forget, I wanted to ask you about the new Jäger amplifier. Maybe we can talk about it tonight at the afterparty?"

I stopped in my tracks. "What afterparty?"

"You don't know? After the show. Billie and I have a bit of a break after this." He looked confused. "How do you not know about this? It's here in the venue."

"Maybe I didn't listen when my boss told me." I shrugged. "I really have to go now. Sorry."

"Alright, see you."


I asked myself if I was even interested in going to the party. Usually would rather go to my favourite pub and see where the night took me than waste my time with a bunch of pseudo nice people who had massive sticks up their arses.

7 days in limbo [Billie Eilish]Where stories live. Discover now