DAY III.1: welcome to chilli's

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The next day I woke up with a headache. I groaned and rolled onto my back. It was Sunday and I finally had a day off.

I fed Meo and scrolled through social media as I waited for the moka pot to boil. With a cup of coffee, a book and my favourite blanket I made myself comfortable on the couch. Meo joined me and curled into a ball of black fur on my lab.

I blamed my headache on the weather. It had gotten hot and humid. I felt a thunderstorm coming.

I was reading and scratching Meo behind his ears when my phone on the coffee table vibrated with a notification. I finished the chapter before putting the book aside.


1:30 PM

What are you up to?
1:30 PM

I'm boooooored af
1:31 PM

1:42 PM

Are you ever on your phone?
1:42 PM

I had seriously not expected to hear from Billie ever again. I might even have thought it would have been better that way.
I should be staying far away from someone who got under my skin the way she did. It was dangerous.

I smiled and texted back.

Wow such patience billie
1:44 PM

Shut up. I'm dying of boredom
1:44 PM

Nothing planned for your break?
1:44 PM

Not today. My parents are out sightseeing like we haven't been here 100 times and fin is with claudia
1:44 PM

That's his gf
1:44 PM

I began to write a reply but she was so quick to type I had to backspace and respond something new.

Remember what you said about that mexican place?
1:44 PM

How could I forget?
1:45 PM

I think im gonna hold you to that now
1:45 PM

Are you serious?
1:45 PM

I mean I don't have plans either
1:45 PM

Of course I will show you
1:45 PM

Inexplicably my heartrate picked up and my cheeks began to hurt from ginning at my phone.

I agreed to pick her up at her hotel in the evening. She reasoned that I had to keep all of my promises and convince her of the superiority of two-wheelers.
That was a plan I could get behind.

For the rest of the afternoon I had trouble sitting still. I did the dishes, cleaned up any clothes laying around and vacuumed the flat. It was not that big of a flat so I did it twice.
Then I tried to read but I did not even have the concentration for that.


When it was time to leave I gathered spare motorcycle gear, put on my jacket and grabbed my gloves and helmet.
On my way down the stairs I dropped my keys twice while spinning them between my fingers.

We are just going to meet up for some food, I rationalised myself. Billie doesn't know anybody in London, much less anybody with knowledge of good places to eat. Getting all clumsy over this is stupid.

7 days in limbo [Billie Eilish]Where stories live. Discover now