DAY VII.1: why are you running

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I was in an unfamiliar bed. It was the first thing I noticed even before I was fully awake. It was too soft. Everything was warm. I was laying on my side, my shin touching somebody's leg.

Hotel, my hazy mind apprehended, I'm in a hotel. That's Billie's leg. I'm in her bed.

My eyes snapped open. Holy shit, I'm in her bed!

It was still dark. Another pair of eyes greeted me from the twilight. A lazy smile spread over my face.
Waking up like this felt like camping at the beach in the summer and diving into the brilliant crystal water first thing in the morning.

"Hey." My voice was husky from sleep.


"Are you feeling better?"

Billie rolled from her back to her side, making us lay much closer. "Yeah."

I nodded and let my eyes fall close again. I felt a hand against my cheek and when I looked at Billie she was searching my face like she was contemplating something.


She leaned in quickly. The peck to my lips was too short for me to react in any way.

I opened my eyes a bit confused and found her grinning at me. "Uh, what was that for?"

Billie ran her thumb over my bottom lip. "I didn't even have any bad dreams."

I blinked slowly. "Mmm."

"That basically never happens."

My only response was another hum as I turned my head to give her palm a kiss.

There must be something that made Billie wide awake. Even though I was still drowsy I asked, "What's going on? I can tell that you have something on your mind."

She propped her chin in her hands and looked at me rubbing my eyes. "I want to watch the sunrise."

"Huh? What?" My sleepy brain was not comprehending.

"Can we just get out of here? I have to leave in a few hours and I really don't want to be here till then."

That woke me up. "What time is it?"


"Fuck me!" I rolled onto my back. "Aren't you tired?"

"No. Are you?"

"Not if you want to watch the sunrise."

Nothing woke me up more than a spontaneous exploit. I was the kind of person to go skinny dipping in the dead of winter. Billie could have woke me in the middle of the night just to look at the stars and I would have thanked her for it.
In my head I was already making a plan. Where is the best view east in the city? How long does it take to get there?

"Is that a yes?" Billie asked, sitting up and barely containing her enthusiasm.

"Are you kidding?" I threw back the covers and let the cold air drive away the last of my drowsiness. "Get dressed, we're going for a ride."


Less than an hour later I slowed my bike to a halt. We stopped on top a hill by a petrol station.

Billie climbed off the pillion and I leaned the XSR on its kickstand before shoving my hands deep into the pockets of my jacked. The air was chilly.

Without speaking a word we stood in the empty parking lot and watched the morning unfold. I shivered once and put my arm around Billie's shoulders to keep us both warm. I felt her lean into me, one hand slipping into the back pocket of my jeans.

7 days in limbo [Billie Eilish]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat