Fort Lockstown p1

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I'm making new chapters and stuff and uh.. Some ish is bout to go down within the next couple chapters.


Your POV

We got up bright and early like Zen said to start our trip. Kiki woke me up only after getting us breakfast so as soon as I woke up I was met with a beautiful blueberry muffin. Kiki briefed me on what we would be doing. Basically Obi and I are just there for entertainment.. I guess theres not much we can do though, it's kind of dumb for us to go if they're just checking on the place. Kiki told me to dress in warm clothes but I just wore my normal clothes and brought along the cloak Shirayuki got me a while ago. We got on the road pretty quickly and I was even allowed to ride a horse like the others rather than riding with Obi or Mitsuhide. If I felt like it, I probably would have messed around with Obi in the back but today wasnt the day for that. Today is the final day to find my family. Of course I knew Obi didnt lie when he told me what happened in my old home.. But still. I felt at least a little hopeful even if it would amount to nothing. I didnt let anyone know but I have a feeling Zen might have read about the promise mom made to me in that notebook.. Its embarrassing knowing he read all that I wrote but he really helped me out in the end. Now I can talk and I act without much care.. It still doesnt feel right though.
"Hey! There it is!" Obi shouted and pointed ahead of us. I looked up at the fort in the distance and pushed a smile to my face. Today isnt the day to mop. I've known since Obi and I met up so.. I shouldnt pout about it...
"Y/n, are you feeling okay?" Mitsuhide looked back at me as we all continued to ride closer.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm alright" I told him and made my smile a little bigger.
"When we get there you should take a break" obi told me and looked a little concerned.
"What? You think I cant handle a short horse ride, obi?" I grinned at him and finally got back into my new normal mood.
"Oh- I guess, sorry" he held his hands up in defense while kiki and mitsuko quietly laughed.
After another short minute we reached the gate. It was completely empty until a boy ran out of the front.
"P-Prince Zen!" He stuttered and greeted Zen as the rest of us got off our horses.
"What's happened around here? Where are all the soldiers and guards?" Zen asked the boy and looked more worried than before.
"They've all fallen ill, highness.." he said shamefully and lowered his head.
"They're all sick..?" I whispered to myself in surprise. How could all of them get this sick all at the same time? There must be a virus going around..
"No! Prince Zen you cant go in there! You'll get sick too!" The boy shouted and tried to prevent Zen from going in while the rest of us tied our horses to the trees.
"Itll be okay" zen chuckled at the boy.
"Zen, you cant stay in for too long" Mitsuhide warned Zen as the rest of us stayed outside.
"I'll be fine, Mitsuhide" zen reassured him.
"Zen, Mitsuhide is right. If you get sick itll affect your duties" obi told him and tried to step in while acting like Mitsuhide or kiki but Zen didnt seem to like that.
"Uh, why dont I look? Believe it or not I'm a trained doctor" I told them with my arms crossed and had a little grin on.
"No kidding.." kiki said with a little smile and seemed proud of me.
"Wait seriously? When did that happen?" Obi asked in shock.
"Since you were gone. Did you know I gave my dad stitches?" That was probably the most medical-doctory thing ive ever done so I have to show it off.
Zen laughed and looked to the boy, "I wont be in for long. You four stay here till I get back" zen told us.
I nodded to him before Mitsuhide spoke up. "You're not going to take y/n too? I personally believe her story" Mitsuhide told zen with a smile.
"She could be able to help" kiki pressed on but I guess Zen really didnt like the idea of me going.
"I'll be out in a second, I dont want any of you getting sick either" zen told us with a little sigh before going in and leaving us.
"So.. did you really give your dad stitches?" Obi asked trying to start a conversation.
"Yeah.." I laughed a little when I thought back to it. "He had a big gash on his arm and I had been training for a while with some doctors in the castle.. Prince dominic told me I needed to become more than a swordsman so that's where that led me" I shrugged a little.
"That's so cool.." Mitsuhide muttered through the silence. I giggled quietly to myself at his remark while kiki slapped him on the back.
"How intensive was that training? You could put it to good use here if Zen wasnt so protective" kiki chuckled to me.
"Oh well, I was told I was completely finished after a few years-" I told them but Obi nearly choked after I said that.
"Years?!" Obi shouted in surprise.
"Well you were gone for years Obi. You couldnt have been watching me the whole time unless you're just a creep" I smirked and crossed my arms.
"Of course I wasnt watching that's why I never knew! So you're like a full fledged doctor? That's awesome!" He exclaimed.
"Does that mean you can give him back some sanity?" Mitsuhide asked while pointing to Obi with a groan.
"Sorry" I giggled and shrugged. "And I'm not like Shirayuki. I-I mean I can make pain relievers but I dont know how to make all that other stuff.." I told them.
"So that makes you and Shirayuki the perfect team" Mitsuhide smiled.
"Only if i wanted to be a doctor.." I muttered with a little shrug and turned away then walked to a tree nearby.
"Idiot.." obi whispered to Mitsuhide when my back was turned.
"Is there something you wanted to be when you thought about it as a child?" Kiki asked me while I climbed up the tree to the top.
"Not really, I'll do what I need when I'm needed!" I shouted down to them from the top and looked around. I dont think my family would be way out here even if they were alive. I wish i could go back.. I just want to be sure..
"Maybe you could storm the fort and make master let you help him!" Obi shouted up to me.
"I think Prince Zen who have a heart attack" I laughed a little and looked down to them.
"I think he'd have a heart attack if he saw you up there.." Mitsuhide said and looked up to me with kiki and Obi.
"Why would he? I'm a dangerous person, y'know?" I told them proudly with a grin.. That is, before I slipped right off... and fell into a freezing pile of snow.
"Y/n!" The three of them shouted as I peeked out from the snow before Obi and Mitsuhide pulled me out. I giggled and tried to wipe off the best of the snow before it made my clothes underneath wet.
"I-Im okay, just cold" I giggled and shivered a bit.
"Y/n! What were you doing up there? Are you okay?" Zen shouted and came running.. Then slipped on the ice and fell on his butt.
I couldnt help but to burst out into laughter while kiki, Mitsuhide, and obi tried to hold it together.
"Y-You slipped!-.." I tried to hold in my constant giggles by pulling my hood over my head and face but they still slipped through.
"I-Im not the one who fell from a tree!" Zen shouted while I shivered and tried to contain my laughter.
"A prince.. I-I didnt think I'd get to see a prince make such a funny mistake again-" I giggled to myself and even made kiki and Mitsuhide start giggling under their breath too. Zen finally made it over to me without another fall and pulled my hood to rest on the top of my head instead of over my face. He sighed and slid his palm along my cheek and looked worried but still held a smile up. "Do you remember when we first met and you hurt your wrist afte falling off.. off that ledge?" I laughed a little before calming down and noticing the warmth of his hand.. and how it stayed pressed against my skin..
"Stop trying to give me a heart attack, please" he sighed with a little smile and removed his hand.. right before Mitsuhide and Obi began to crack up.
"Th-The heart attack! I-I told you!-.." Mitsuhide shouted while him and Obi leaned on each other while they tried to contain their laughter.
"What?" Zen looked over in confusion and let his smile stay across his lips.
"Oh nothing, highness" kiki smiled and looked right at me. My face turned a little pink when she looked at me. I didnt really think I'd make Prince zen worry like that but it seems like Mitsuhide and kiki know him better than I do.
"Are your clothes dry?" The prince asked with a sigh and looked back to me.
"Oh, um, yes.. Mostly" shrugged and gave him a little grin while I kept a tright grip around myself. This cloak isnt very warm.. Maybe I should have brought my black one instead, it was much thicker..
He breathed in and let out a short sigh while Mitsuhide dug in the little bag he brought along with him that was strapped to his horse.
"Lucky for you, I brought an extra shirt and coat. It might be a little big though" Mitsuhide told me and took it out of the bag.
"Oh, that'd be great!" I exclaimed and took them graciously from his hand. "Prince zen-" I began but when I looked back at him he looked a little frustrated and pink in the face. Shoot, I forgot the title.. "Sorry.. I-Im gonna go in and change. You dont have to worry, I'll be back in a minute" I told Zen and tried to make his frustration go away but I guess it didnt help.
"Oh, master. Are you by chance a little jealous?" Obi asked while he leaned against the tree I fell out of. Jealous?.. of what?
"If youd like, Y/n I also brought along some clothes in case if this ran long" kiki told me with a smile.
"Oh, um, if you dont mind" wearing her clothes would probably fit a lot better than Mitsuhide's, hes a lot bigger than me.. gosh, I barely fit into the clothes that woman at the Inn gave me but I think I'm gaining a little weight, I hope anyway.
"Of course not" she smiled and traded me clothes. She took the ones Mitsuhide gave me and handed me hers. It was a full outfit too, pants, shirt but unfortunately no coat. That's alright, my cloak wont take too long to dry off if I just hang it next to the fire, if there is one.
"Thank you" I smiled before turning to the gate.
"Y/n! Let's me show you where-" zen ran after me as soon as I reached the door.
"You dont have to Pr- zen" I stopped myself before I said his title. I cant believe I trip up like that still! I should have dropped it but I guess my respect for him is getting in the way of that.. Than that should be my reason to forget it. We're friends and he thinks of me as such so I shouldnt keep saying his title and acting as a servant would- Oh, well, maybe act a little like that but not as long when it's just us. "Sorry, I-Im going to go find a room. You dont have to worry" I told him with a smile and kept my eyes pointed towards the floor as I continued my walk.
"Okay.. Just- come out soon please!" He shouted worriedly to me. I laughed to myself quietly and turned back to him to nod before continuing my trip. I walked for a while until I found a room with the doors wide open. All the soldiers that occupied this fort were laying in rows, they all looked horrible.. But there was the fire. I dont want to cause kiki or the others anymore problems so I walked in and over to the fire pit where I took off my went cloak and hung it up.
"Miss, what are you doing here? You'll get sick!" The boy from earlier shouted to me.
"Oh, I'm sorry.. Do you know why the men are so ill?" I asked him as I walked back to the door with him.
"No.. Everyone fell ill not too long ago and so far nothing has cured them.." he told me.
"Nothing?.. What do they feel like?" I asked curiously and walked down the hall I was originally in while looking for another open room to change in.
"Well they all said they felt dizzy and sick to their stomachs. Some of them cant even get up long enough to eat.. And it's not like we have anyone here who's able to cook for them but me.." he sighed and looked so burdened.
"You've been feeding all those men yourself? Why dont you let me take over for tonight and you get some rest" I told him and put my hand on his shoulder. He stopped in his place and looked so shocked.
"No! I cant have you getting sick too!" He shouted and grabbed my hand from right off his shoulder. No pain.. I'm glad.
"Dont worry. I'm much stronger than you think and I can try to ease their pain too if youd let me" I told him with a soft smile as he let my hand go.
"Really?.. You know medicine? Are you a doctor?" He asked and seemed so fascinated.
"Well, I'm not a certified doctor but if someone needed stitches I could get it to them no problem" I giggled to myself and continued our slow walk down the long, long hall.
"I dont think anyone needs stitches but the medicine would help! Oh and.. are you trying to find a room to change in? Your clothes are socking!" He told me in shock and touched the cuff of my sleeve.
"Yeah, I'm borrowing some clothes and I feel pretty bad about it so I'm trying to hurry up and let my other things dye.." I laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of my head.
"Oh, then right here should be fine-" he told me and opened the nearest door. It was just a plain empty room.
"Oh, thank you very much" I nodded to him with a smile.
"I'm sorry I dont have any clothes you can wear, it's just men here.." he sighed.
"Dont worry about it, my cloak should be dry soon. I'll see you in a bit and I'll go take a look at the men again" I told him with a smile before he nodded and left me to change. I began to unchange and put on the clothes kiki gave me. I'm glad my undergarments and under shirt was clean or else I think I'd freeze to death! Just after I finished changing the door swung opened and there stood Zen with a bright blush on his face. He didnt see anything so.. Why is his face so pink?
"Are you okay?" I asked in confusion as I buttoned up the top of the shirt kiki gave me.
"I-Im sorry, I didnt realize you were still changing!" He stuttered and looked away with that bright blush still showing.
"You don't have to worry, I have an undershirt on y'know? It's not like I'm in the nude.." I chuckled to myself and picked up my old, wet clothes.
"Yeah but-!" He began but I cut him off.
"In the real world you change wherever you please, highness" I grinned at him knowing I used his title just to mess with him.
"That is not the real world.." he mumbled as I walked past him out the door.
"On the missions I went to, you did what you had to" I shrugged and walked back down the hall with Zen by my side back to the other sickly soldiers.
"Like what?.." he asked softly and looked over to me. I had my eyes pointed to the bricks under my feet and held a small smile when I thought about the good times I had on those missions with my parents.. then the bad ones.. "O-Oh im sorry, I wasnt thinking!-" he stuttered and seemed flustered and embarrassed.
"Zen, if youd like to know about my stories you can always ask me.." I told him and looked back up to him with my same soft smile. He looked a little surprised but happy still. "I dont mind telling you.. Only if you dont cry though" I grinned at him because I know he gets worried after hearing certain things. I have a lot of bad stories but a lot more funnier ones.
"I wont cry" He rolled his eyes at my sarcasm and laughed.
"Sure.." I rolled my eyes with a little smile and wrapped my arms around myself to protect myself from the cold. I wish this place was a little warmer.
"You should go back outside soon. I dont want you getting sick" zen told me as we reached the door where all the soldiers were.
"I promised that boy I'd help him cook dinner tonight and I'd also go look to see if I could figure something out" I told him with a shrug and tried not to shiver too obviously.
Suddenly zen took off his white covering and put it around my shou- this is royal clothing! I-I cant wear this!
"Zen i-I cant wear this, everyone will think-" I stuttered in shock and tried to pull it off but he stopped me with a laugh.
"Dont worry, they can think what they want but I know you're cold." He told me and put his hands on his hips. My face warmed up by his actions and it made me feel.. Special? No, no, I'm not different than the others.. But why would he do this?.. I'm so embarrassing..
"Y/n! Please come help, they're getting worse!" The boy from earlier exclaimed and tugged on my arm. I looked at Zen with concern and slight fear that maybe someone would get the wrong idea about me wearing this. It's so official and.. Why is it so clean and smells so nice?
"Duty calls, go get em" zen chuckled and gave me a pat on the back towards the door.
"O-Okay but I'm not wearing this!" I shouted to him as the boy pulled me.
"I'll come back in a few minutes!" He shouted back and began to leave.
I hummed to myself in discomfort when I looked down at the clean white fabric as I walked down the rows of men.
"Oh! I never got to tell you my name, im shuka!" The boy, shuka, told me with a happy smile.
"Nice to meet you shuka, I'm Y/n" I smiled back and tried to warm myself up by rubbing my hands over my arms. I really shouldnt be wearing this no matter how cold I am. Zen could get in trouble.. I think.. Right? Probably.
"Y/n.. Hey, I saw that name in the papers last week" shuka told me while we walked on. I noticed a pattern as I walked through. Everyone by the fire seemed to be the sicker party so it makes sense to keep them close.
"Oh yeah?" I nodded and was listening but I was also paying attention to the fire, I stuck in a few more logs because it was getting low.
"Yeah it said the last member and only daughter of the moon clan passed away with her parents and grandparents on a dangerous mission.. Their family was so cool and their swords were so beautiful! I wish I could see one in person.." he sighed as I took a seat by the fire with him and began to write notes about the men.
"Really? Were they that interesting?" I asked and pretended like it wasnt me.
"Were they? They were amazing! Word is though, prince Dominic of Alfin kept the daughter and her parents hidden in the castle and only sent out to do his dirty work while the rest of the clan hid themselves.." he told me softly and sounded so worried and sad.
"What? Do you really think her family is hidden?" I asked in surprise. I was always told everyone died but that may not be true.. dad never really told me about his side of the family and mom was just a commom girl he met one day.. mom never had any siblings but dad did.. What if they're still alive? What if my grandmothers are still alive?
"Of course! A family as strong as theirs is bound to be alive!" Shuka shouted.
"Shut up! Everyone already knows they were all murdered by Dominic! That horrible prince.." one man grumbled and turned on his side.
"Not everyone died, you know" I told them as I stood up and carefully took off the cover Zen gave me then gently laid it on the table.
"How do you know, girly? You from Alfin?" Another man laughed with his friends in the back. I grit my teeth at their remark and quickly pulled out my sword then threw it at the men in the back. They all moved even though it wouldnt of hit them and the sword slammed into the wall. I threw dads sword, it should be more recognizable.
"Hey!" The men screamed and woke up a lot of others.
"Who's sword do you think that belongs to?" I asked with a glare and slowly pulled mothers outs as well.
"This sword.." some began and looked harder as I walked over and pulled it from the wall.
"Theres no way you would get the only sword sir Mathew carried and made! Must be a fake, right boys?" one laughed and touched the blade only to find out it's as sharp as it seems.
"Really? You dont think his daughter would inherit it?" I asked while keeping up my glare and put both swords back in their sheaths.
"Y-Youre Y/n M/n Moon!" Shuka shouted and pointed at me in shock.
"What?.." the men whispered around as I walked back to shuka at the fire.
"Yes, I am.. Now would anyone tell me how all of you got sick?" I shouted to the men and took a seat because I was beginning to feel dizzy.
"We dont know.. one day everyone fell ill for some reason.." the man closest to the fire told me in huffs.
"I see.. Why dont we let the men in the back come to the fire and the ones by the fire switch with them while shuka and I make dinner" I told the men. The ones in the back looked happy as they got up and moved the men from the fire with me but most tripped and fell on their way.. How are they so weak? What's made them feel this way... Its already spreading to me.. Why do I feel so dizzy?
I set the man I was carrying down on a bed in the back and looked back to see if any others still needed to be moved. It felt so cold back here that I couldnt help but to cross my arms and tense up to stay warm but the air was nice unlike toward the fire.. Maybe I need to introduce some light and fresh air.
"Shuka, can you open those windows? And maybe pass out more blankets if you have any" I asked him as I went to check on my cloak.. Still wet but warm.. but I still cant put it on or else I'd freeze. Great.
I shivered as I checked on the new men in the back. They still weren't doing very good but the cold seemed to be waking them up a bit while the men by the fire were relaxing.
"Y/n!" Zen suddenly shouted to me at the door. I dropped my hands to my sides and pretended like I wasnt absolutely freezing but i still had a few shivers slip through.
"You need to come out now, you'll get sick too.." zen told me worriedly as I went back to the table I set his cover on and sat back down on the bench.
"I'm okay, I just need to finish writing this and I'll go make dinner.." I told him and started writing again.
"You are too stubborn for your own good.." he sighed from behind me.
"What?.." I whispered in wonder and almost turned to look back to him but his warm hands brushed along the back of my neck. "Is something wrong?.." I asked and put my hand over my shoulder in wonder.
"No.. How many scars do you have?" He asked me softly as one of his hands pulled my hair over my should. That same hand traced lines along the back of my neck. I guess this shirt is a little low because I'm so thin now..
"I'm not sure.." I answered quietly and let his fingers trace my skin.
"I wont let this happen to you again. Although they're beautiful I think you can stop gaining so many" he told me with a chuckle. I couldnt help but let a bright, burning red take over my face. He said they're beautiful...
"O-Oh, okay.." I stuttered and tilted my head down. I keep my hair long so no one can see them but he says their beautiful.. Does that make me beautiful? Hes said that to me once before too.. When I got my uniform, he said I was beautiful.. Oh gosh, I really need this blush to go away!
"Do you want me to go find Obi to help you with di-" zen began but I cut in.
"No, no! I-I promise I have it under control. Did you call for Shirayuki by chance?" I asked and switched the conversation. I stood up and handed him back the cover he let me barrow but I never really wore.
"Mitsuhide just went to get her.." he sighed and followed me out of the large room as I went looking for the kitchen. "The armory was completely empty too which means.." he muttered and trailed off.
"Bandits.. Are we going to find them tonight? I've been missing the action for a while" I chuckled to myself and finally found the kitchen. Its mostly empty but that's alright, theres still enough I think.
"Yes but I dont think I want you going.." he sighed as I dug around.
"What?" I stood back up in surprise. "Why can't I go?" If I went itd certainaly give my mind a break. I've been trying to occupy myself with other thoughts but it keeps going back to my family..
"W-Well, I just uh, the men need you here!" He stuttered out and looked far from me.
"Zen.." I muttered and pulled out my mothers sword. "If you dont think i can handle myself then i can show you again" I told him without a hint if fear in my eyes as i stood tall and held my sword out in front of me.
"N-No! I know you can handle yourself I just.." he gave in with a sigh, "i already have Mitsuhide, kiki and Obi going, I need someone here." He told me and put his hands on my shoulders.
"Okay.." I nodded and looked towards the window instead of him. Hes the prince, I can't go against his word.. it still sucks though. Maybe if I went I could have looked a little harder.. Or maybe I could sneak out later when they're gone.
"Thank you.." zen gave me a short sigh of relief and removed his hands as I put my sword away. "Do you really think theres enough food for all those men?.." zen asked curiously and looked around in wonder.
"And us. We need to eat or else we'll get sick too. Itll be done in a while" I told him and began to dig around for a pot till I finally found a big one.. then I noticed Zen still sticking around. "Zen." I called his name clearly and made him stop in place, "You know you cant cook right?" I asked him with a little grin I kept hiden.
"Why cant i?" He asked with crossed arms and faced me.
"Oh, I dont know.. Has a prince ever cooked anything?" I asked as I reached behind him to grab the potatoes.
"Yes! I've cooked-.. Lots of stuff!" He exclaimed to me as I washed the potatoes.
"Really?.. Very convincing, highness" shoot- the title.. Ugh, he's gonna hate me sooner or later..
"Funny.." he grumbled to me.
"Sorry" I laughed a little and grabbed a knife... THAT WAS WAY TOP DULL TO EVEN CUT A POTATO! "What the hell?.." I whispered and looked around for a knife sharpener but they didnt have one nor did they have any other knives!
"What's wrong?" Zen asked and stood behind me.
"Just this knife.." I mumbled and tossed it in the trash. Good thing I still have my dagger! I pulled it from the holder around my ankle and got to work.
"Whoa, when did you have that? Do you just keep it in your shoe?" Zen asked me in surprise and looked down at my feet.
"Uh, no and I've always had it I just never showed any of you." I told him as I chopped up all the potatoes they had.
"What else are you hiding?" He asked and I could feel his stare on me.
"Stop looking so hard, highness.." Kiki sighed from the doorway.
"K-Kiki!" He stuttered and turned around.
"Hey, look at what Mitsuhide left behind for you" obi told me from the windowsill in front of the sink and handed me the cover Mitsuhide always wears.
"I'm not cold, obi" I sighed and rejected the offer.
"You have goosebumps" kiki pointed out.
"Do i?" I asked and pretended I didnt.
"Y/n! I'm so sorry I wasnt here sooner!" Shuka shouted and ran through the door to me and the others.
"Its okay, do you mind putting this in the pot?" I asked and handed him the cutting board full of diced potatoes.
"Yeah sure- hey, are you cold?" He asked as the others laughed.
"You're going to catch a cold if it's not whatever the soldiers have.." zen sighed and took the cover from obis hands then put it over me.
"I really dont want it.." I muttered before accidentally cutting my finger. I grit my teeth and took a breath in all while zen, obi and shuka freaked out because of a tiny cut. They act like I'm so fragile and I absolutely hate it.
"Y/n, you have to be more careful!" Shuka shouted as if I didnt know.
"This is why you never cooked when we were kids.." Obi sighed. I dont want to think about that time.
"Are you okay? How deep did the-" zen asked next and took ahold of my hand.
"I'm going to get a bandaid." I said as I took away my hand, took off Mitsuhides cover and left with it in my hand.
"Uh oh.." obi uttered from the kitchen.
"Y/n!" Zen shouted back to me. I didnt want to ignore him but I couldnt face any of them anymore. They keep reminding me of my family and I cant handle hearing all of them at the same time worrying over nothing! This isnt anything knew! Being cold isnt that bad! And it's just a cut! A cut I made by accident after getting distracted by all of them!
I never went to get a bandaid, instead I went to the room where everyone was sick. It seemed the people in the back were doing better and the people in the front by the fire seemed uncomfortable and sick.. Is it the air? Is it the heat? Why is everyone so.. sick?
"Hey, how are you guys feeling?" I asked the men in the back with a smile.
"Pretty good, better than a minute ago anyway" one told me.
"That's good, dinner will be done in a while so hold out for a little longer" I told them and turned to go back to write down their conditions.
"Hey, you're a lot nicer than people made you out to be!" One man shouted to me before I go to far away.
"Well.. I wasnt nice till just recently." I told them without looking anyone in the eyes. I was never nice.. I killed someone when i was told to.. We destroyed villages and families for as long as I can remember.. We were bad people.. we dont deserve respect whether we were forced to do those jobs or not..
Without another word I went back to the table by the fire and wrote down what they had told me and what I observed. It seems like heat makes their symptoms worsen while those who stayed in the back away from the fire were doing better. I noticed the longer time passed, the more I felt something. My body became weak and relaxed, unlike I have been this past week.. it felt nice.. until I got too dizzy. My pencil and notebook dropped to the floor just before I did. The last thing I could hear was the men in the back shouting my name before getting up and running out to look for help.

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